What Should You Do if the Police Come to Your Home

The police at your door will overwhelm most people with fear that they have done something wrong. There is a right and wrong way to handle the police at your door. Baltimore criminal lawyer Randolph Rice talks about what you should do if the police come to your home.

What should you do if the police come to your house

Law enforcement may visit your home for a number of reasons. It can range from a simple investigation, gathering information regarding a crime in the area, or they may be looking to speak with you.

You have to make a decision based on the information provided to you by the police as to what their intentions are when they come to your home. If the police knock on the door and her asking questions about someone else or an instance you have no idea about, you may decide to answer their questions.

There is no requirement that you talk to the police. You have the option of not giving them any information and remaining silent. If they are investigating an incident that does not involve you, then they will probably leave your home and you’ll never hear from them again.

The police are there to talk to you

The police may be at your home for a number of reasons in regards to you. They may have a warrant or body attachment that they’re trying to serve. If the police knock on the door and have a warrant for your arrest, then once they identify you they will more likely than not arrest you.

A warrant is typically a document signed by a judge or other judicial officer that orders the police to take you into custody.

Should I speak to the police?

It is always advisable to not make any statements to the police. Under Supreme Court case law, also known as Miranda, if you are in custody and being questioned by the police regarding investigation into you or any crime that you could be implicated in, you have the right to remain silent.

That means you do not have to make any statements to the police, the only information you required to provide typically is your name and date of birth. Once you provide your name, it is suggested that you don’t make any further statements without the presence of a Baltimore criminal defense lawyer.

What will the police do if I don’t talk?

Police officers are used to dealing with people who don’t answer their questions. The police will use tactics to try and make an individual speak. Their goal is to collect evidence to further their investigation or to confirm their suspicions.

Any statements that you make to the police could be used against you for additional charges or in court. Plus, why it’s so important to remain silent if you are confronted by the police. Police officers are professionals and have one of the hardest jobs in the world.

They are used to dealing with individuals who don’t want to answer questions. You are not going to offend a police officer by remaining silent, they’re going to continue their investigation regardless of what you say to them.

Talk to a lawyer as soon as possible

If the police are requesting that you speak with them, you should meet with and hire a lawyer to advise you on the best course of action. A criminal defense lawyer will talk to the police officers and try to ascertain the nature of the investigation. The lawyer can also appear with you if you decide to be interviewed or answer questions from the police.

The police are investigating crimes everyday and sometimes they’re suspects will make a statement and sometimes they won’t. Once the police hand the case over to the state’s attorney, the state’s attorney must make a decision to proceed with the charges or to the drop them without a statement from the suspect.

Not talking doesn’t hurt you

Any statement that you make to a police officer or other law enforcement agency could be used against you. Therefore, in addition to the already collected evidence the police have, they can use your statement to prove their case.

In any criminal prosecution, it is the burden of the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime. Therefore, any statements made to the police or to other law enforcement agencies is additional evidence that could be used to prove the state’s case in Chief.

Criminal defense attorney Randolph Rice

Attorney Randolph Rice is a Maryland criminal defense attorney who represents individuals charged with misdemeanors and felonies throughout Maryland. Prior to becoming a private defense attorney, Mr. Rice was a assistant State’s Attorney for Baltimore County, Maryland.

He is uniquely familiar with the processes and procedures used by law enforcement throughout Maryland to ascertain statements from a ledge defendants.

If you believe you will be charged with a crime or you are pending charges, contact his office today to schedule a free consultation and to discuss your matter. If the police have contacted you or come to your home and wish to interview you, you should also contact his office for advice and Counsel on the most appropriate action to take.