Frederick, MD Criminal Defense Lawyer

Baltimore Crimianl Defense Lawyers

People make mistakes, and those mistakes can sometimes lead to criminal charges. Regardless of whether someone is guilty of the charges leveled against them, they deserve a chance to defend themselves. That’s why they need the assistance of a lawyer from Rice, Murtha & Psoras near Frederick, Maryland. The lawyers at Rice, Murtha & Psoras can help those who have had criminal charges filed against them understand their charges and then craft a defense that will result in either dropped charges or a minimum penalty.
If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges, you should get in touch with Rice, Murtha & Psoras as soon as possible. Call (410) 431-0911 today for more information about a free legal consultation.

Common Criminal Charges in Frederick, Maryland

The following charges are commonly filed against people living in or near Frederick, Maryland. If any of these charges have been filed against you, continue reading to learn more about the details surrounding these charges.


Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that surpasses the legal limit may result in a DUI charge. In Maryland, like much of the rest of the country, operating a vehicle with a BAC that is .08 percent or higher may result in a DUI charge. The charge differs based on the age of the driver (if they are under the age 21, the BAC minimum is .02 percent or higher) and the number of prior offenses.


Inflicting unwanted physical contact or harm on someone else (or threatening to inflict unwanted physical contact or harm on someone else) is, according to the law, assault. Assault charges in Maryland may be one of three types of felony charges – first degree assault, second degree assault, or aggravated assault – or they may be considered misdemeanors. The severity of the assault charge depends on whether any weapons were involved and the severity of the injuries suffered by the victim.

Possession of a Controlled Substance

Possession of controlled substances, even in small amounts, can lead to a drug possession charge in the State of Maryland. Possession of controlled substances of all schedules are treated similarly, with the exception of marijuana, which is penalized much more leniently. Charges for possession of a controlled substance vary greatly from similar drug charges, such as possession with intent to deliver or manufacture.


A charge of theft, which results from taking or seizing property belonging to someone else without permission, is proportional to the value of the property that was taken. A criminal charge of theft may be either a felony or a misdemeanor charge, depending on the value of the property and the circumstances surrounding the theft, such as whether a weapon was used to threaten the victim.

Stalking and Harassment

A person may be charged with stalking in Maryland if they approach or pursue another person in a way that makes the other person fearful; a person may be charged with harassment if they follow or engage in conduct with another person in a way that is intended to annoy or alarm them. Harassment may occur through a variety of media, such as over the telephone, on the Internet, or in person.

Criminal Trial Process in Maryland

If you or someone you know has been charged with criminal offenses, you may wonder what will happen next in the process. The first thing that will happen to someone that has had criminal charges filed against them is an arrest and booking. Following the arrest, the defendant will go to preliminary court dates for hearings and arraignments. During these initial stages, the defendant will choose and enter a plea of either “guilty” or “not guilty” and will have the opportunity to address the charges against them.
The next step in the criminal trial process is the pretrial stage, which involves collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses as the lawyer and defendant work together to build a case for the defendant’s innocence. Necessary motions will be filed with the court if evidence needs to be challenged during this phase as well.
The trial is the next step in the process, during which a jury or judge will determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. After the trial, an attorney will continue to work with the defendant if they are found guilty to reduce penalties or file an appeal.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving Frederick, Maryland

People facing criminal charges in Frederick, Maryland, should know that the services of the lawyers at Rice, Murtha & Psoras are available whenever they are needed. The attorneys from Rice, Murtha & Psoras will ensure that any evidence or witness testimonies used against you are actually valid while working with judges and the prosecution to ensure that any convictions are carried out as fairly as possible. Call Rice, Murtha & Psoras todaat (410) 431-0911.