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What Happens if a Stroke Goes Undiagnosed in a Maryland Hospital?

In a perfect world, doctors would correctly diagnose every patient on their very first visit to the hospital. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. Incorrect or missed diagnoses might constitute malpractice if the doctor was negligent. Injuries including brain damage, loss of bodily functions, or even death are possible after an undiagnosed […]

What Conditions Can Be Mistaken for a Stroke in Maryland ERs?

Strokes are incredibly dangerous and should be diagnosed as quickly as possible so that patients have better odds of recovery. Unfortunately, numerous conditions are often mistaken for strokes, and misdiagnoses are not uncommon. The signs and symptoms of a stroke are not unique, and many other conditions share similar symptoms. These overlaps in medical symptoms […]

What Are the After-Effects of a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) in Maryland?

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) can be incredibly damaging. Unfortunately, the after-effects are often misdiagnosed in Maryland patients. Because of this, it’s important for Maryland residents to learn how to identify the after-effects of a TIA and what to do if they are misdiagnosed. The after-effects of a TIA are similar to the aftermath of a […]

Who Are Strokes Most Often Misdiagnosed in Maryland?

Strokes can be incredibly debilitating, forever altering a person’s quality of life. Unfortunately, Maryland doctors may misdiagnose patients, especially individuals of a specific gender, ethnicity, or age, failing to catch a stroke before it occurs. In Maryland and across the country, early signs of strokes are often misdiagnosed most in women, minorities, and those under […]

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