
Can Stress During Pregnancy Cause Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a serious neurological disorder that often manifests as a physical disability. Cerebral palsy is often caused in the womb or during birth. the condition can present life-long difficulties and health complications for affected children. Parents whose children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy often wonder if they could have done anything differently during their pregnancy. While many different factors surround cerebral palsy, many medical experts believe that stress during pregnancy may increase the risks of cerebral palsy.

While every case is unique, stress during pregnancy can be a factor in cerebral palsy diagnoses. it is difficult to say exactly what causes cerebral palsy, and there are numerous causes, including trauma during or shortly after birth, a lack of oxygen during birth, infections, and various other complications. If you experience a stressful pregnancy, your doctor should be helping you stay as healthy as possible to prevent complications for your baby. A doctor’s failure to assist during a stressful pregnancy may be grounds for a lawsuit.

If your newborn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy after a stressful pregnancy, call our legal team for help. Our Baltimore birth injury lawyers can help you get compensation for the negligent medical attention that contributed to your child’s diagnosis. Call (410) 694-7291 to set up a free, private legal consultation with our team at Rice Law.

Stressful Pregnancies and Cerebral Palsy

Stress can be an influencing factor in many medical conditions and complications. Most people would probably be much healthier if they lived less stressful lives. Unfortunately, stress is a part of our everyday existence and is often unavoidable. Your doctor may have advised you to avoid stress if you are pregnant as it could increase the risk of certain complications like cerebral palsy.

If you experienced severe or chronic stress during your pregnancy and your child was born with cerebral palsy, you should consult with a qualified attorney about the possibility of a lawsuit. Your doctor is responsible for identifying risk factors and taking preventative measures to protect your health and the health of your baby. When doctors are negligent, a stressful pregnancy could lead to birth complications like cerebral palsy.

If your newborn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy after a stressful pregnancy, our Baltimore personal injury attorneys might be able to help. Contact our offices for a legal consultation about your case.

How Cerebral Palsy from Stress Affects Newborns

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that is often marked by serious physical disabilities. Newborns with cerebral palsy often require life-long care and medical treatment. the disorder can be caused by various factors, including trauma, infection, or stress during pregnancy. Signs of cerebral palsy may appear differently in different children. Also, some cases of cerebral palsy are milder, while others are debilitating and severe.

This condition is serious because children diagnosed with cerebral palsy usually experience disabilities and difficulties for the rest of their lives. Physical disabilities that often come with the condition make their day-to-day lives harder. In addition, they may need more frequent and costly medical treatments that some parents have difficulty paying for.

If your child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth, you might be entitled to compensation to help pay for medical expenses and any pain and suffering. Our Annapolis personal injury lawyers can consult with medical experts to determine the cause and extent of your child’s condition. We can then assess damages and help you file a claim against the doctors and hospital responsible.

Lawsuits for Preventable Cerebral Palsy in Newborns

Your doctor or the medical team in charge of your delivery is responsible for protecting your health and the health of your baby during your pregnancy. When those medical professionals fail or otherwise perform their duties negligently, you may have grounds for a lawsuit.

Identifying the cause of your newborn’s cerebral palsy will require consultations with additional medical experts and more medical exams. Before moving forward with a lawsuit, we must know if your child’s condition was caused by a doctor’s negligence or by some other causes outside anybody’s control.

It may be possible to sue several parties involved in your pregnancy and birth. First, your doctor is the one in charge of your medical care during your pregnancy. If you brought your severe or chronic stress to your doctor’s attention and received little to no help in return, you may be able to sue your doctor. Any other medical professionals who may have played a role in your child’s condition, like nurses, could also be defendants in your case. Finally, we should always include the hospital that employed your doctor as a defendant.

Our Ocean City personal injury attorneys can help you claim the compensation you deserve from the medical professionals who failed you.

Damages Related to a Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Damages from cerebral palsy caused by stress during your pregnancy could be very significant. Damages often include the costs of medical treatment or care when someone is injured. When that injury presents as a lifelong disability like cerebral palsy, medical care can become incredibly expensive. Patients with cerebral palsy often require special medical care for the rest of their lives. They may also have difficulty finding gainful employment and may rely on their parents to cover their costs.

There is also the issue of pain and suffering. the emotional pain you suffer as parents when you discover your child has been diagnosed with a lifelong disability is monumental. You deserve to be compensated for the emotional turmoil you have had to go through. Our birth injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you need to take care of your child.

Call Our Birth Injury Lawyers

Our birth injury attorneys will help you. Call (410) 694-7291 to arrange a free, private legal consultation with our legal team at Rice Law.