
What Are the After-Effects of a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) in Maryland?

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) can be incredibly damaging. Unfortunately, the after-effects are often misdiagnosed in Maryland patients. Because of this, it’s important for Maryland residents to learn how to identify the after-effects of a TIA and what to do if they are misdiagnosed.

The after-effects of a TIA are similar to the aftermath of a stroke. Generally, you can expect to experience memory loss or difficulty speaking in the days following a TIA. While transient ischemic attacks often affect certain populations, anyone can experience one. Unfortunately, preconceptions can influence Maryland doctors when assessing individuals who have suffered from a TIA, leading to a misdiagnosis. If your TIA went undiagnosed and you suffered a full stroke because of it, you may be able to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages in Maryland.

Our attorneys are dedicated to helping individuals get justice for misdiagnoses from Maryland doctors. For a free case evaluation from the Baltimore medical malpractice lawyers at Rice Law, call today at (410) 694-7291.

What to Expect After a Transient Ischemic Attack in Maryland

A transient ischemic attack mimics symptoms of a stroke and is often an indication that a stroke is impending. Because of this, Maryland residents need to learn what they can expect in the aftermath of a TIA.

Generally, the after-effects of a transient ischemic attack are similar to those of a stroke but often less severe. Maryland residents who experience a TIA may notice mobility issues and memory loss in the days that follow. They may also experience comprehension issues and difficulty speaking. Generally, these after-effects last about a day but could last longer.

The most notable after-effect of a transient ischemic attack is a stroke. A TIA is essentially a “mini stroke” warning, telling your body that your brain is being deprived of blood. A major stroke can occur in the hours, days, or weeks after a TIA.

If you believe you’ve experienced a TIA, don’t wait to seek medical attention. Sometimes, a TIA may be relatively unnoticeable. However, if you recognize any of the common after-effects, be sure to visit the hospital. It’s possible that you could sustain a major stroke in the near future.

Who is Most Likely to Sustain a TIA in Maryland?

Transient ischemic attacks can be very damaging to Maryland residents, leading to permanent damage or a major stroke. While certain groups are most affected by TIAs, it’s important to note that virtually anyone can experience a transient ischemic attack at any time.

Generally, TIAs occur in individuals most at risk of sustaining a stroke. Usually, that group is men over the age of 55. That being said, other individuals can also have a higher chance of experiencing a TIA. For example, Maryland residents of any age with a clotting disorder or other medical complications may sustain a TIA at any point in their lives.

Just because you may not fall into one of these categories of individuals most likely to sustain a TIA doesn’t mean you won’t. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a TIA or notice some of the common after-effects, seek medical attention right away.

Why Are the After-Effects of TIAs Often Misdiagnosed in Maryland?

After experiencing a TIA, go to the hospital to get assessed. If, unfortunately, medical professionals don’t believe you’ve sustained a TIA and do not perform the proper tests, there can be damaging consequences. A Maryland doctor’s own biases or failure to conduct the right tests can contribute to a misdiagnosis of the after-effects of a TIA.

Doctors’ Preconceptions

While a TIA somewhat mimics a stroke, Maryland doctors may be hesitant to attribute the after-effects you’re experiencing to a transient ischemic attack. Generally, strokes and TIAs occur most in men above the age of 55. If you go to the hospital with a headache or memory issues but don’t fit into the normal category of individuals who sustain a TIA, doctors may improperly diagnose you. Unfortunately, Maryland doctors’ own biases and preconceptions about what a TIA patient looks like can lead to them misdiagnosing the after-effects of a TIA as such. If you believe that a doctor’s biases caused them to misdiagnose your TIA, reach out to a Maryland medical malpractice attorney right away.

Improper Testing

Misdiagnoses can also occur when Maryland doctors perform the incorrect scans when you arrive at a hospital. For example, if you’re experiencing cognitive issues, doctors may perform a CT scan. While some signs of a stroke generally appear on a CT scan, signs of a TIA may not. If doctors do not perform the proper tests and observation, they may fail to diagnose a TIA. Missed diagnoses of TIAs can be incredibly damaging for Maryland residents, as transient ischemic attacks often indicate an impending major stroke.

Can You File a Lawsuit in Maryland for a Misdiagnosed Transient Ischemic Attack?

If Maryland doctors properly diagnose a TIA, they can prevent a major stroke or mitigate the damage. When doctors fail to properly recognize the after-effects of a transient ischemic attack and a patient then suffers a major stroke, they can be held accountable in a lawsuit.

In order to file a successful lawsuit against a Maryland doctor for failure to diagnose a TIA, attorneys need to do several things. First, your Harford County medical malpractice lawyer must show that a doctor owed you a duty of care and breached it. Next, your attorney must prove that a doctor’s breach of the owed duty of care caused damages to you.

Your Maryland medical malpractice lawyer can gather your medical records and enlist help from medical experts to assess a doctor’s negligent care. If a Maryland doctor provided negligent care, leading to your misdiagnosed TIA, you can file a lawsuit for compensatory damages.

In Maryland, medical malpractice victims generally have three years to sue a doctor that misdiagnosed the after-effects of a TIA. Unfortunately, these misdiagnoses often lead to a damaging stroke, impacting Maryland victims’ ability to work or maintain their quality of life. Because of this, victims can often recover compensatory damages for economic and non-economic losses.

Call Our Maryland Attorneys if You Were Misdiagnosed After a TIA

If you experienced a TIA in Maryland and were misdiagnosed, our attorneys can help. For a free case evaluation from the Maryland personal injury lawyers at Rice Law, call today at (410) 694-7291.