Georgia Truck Accident Lawyer

Trucks are huge, extremely heavy, and moving at dangerously high rates of speed on the highway. A collision with a truck would spell nothing but disaster for almost any driver. If you were recently in a crash like this, you might have severe injuries and enormous bills to pay. The person or people responsible for the accident should be paying these bills, not you. A lawyer can help you get justice.

Truck accidents can occur in numerous ways. Jackknife accidents, rollovers, and squeezing accidents are just a few possible ways you might be injured in a collision with a truck. Not only do you have to contend with damage from the truck itself, but you might also have to worry about the long trailer behind it. As you can undoubtedly guess, injuries tend to be severe. Drivers are often very badly hurt, and some live with permanent disabilities or complications that negatively affect their quality of life. You deserve compensation, and you deserve it now.

For a free evaluation of your claims, call Rice, Murtha & Psoras at (470) 287-3070 and speak to our truck accident attorneys.

Examples of Truck Accidents in Georgia

How your truck accident occurred is an extremely important piece of the puzzle. We need to know exactly what happened so we can determine who should be held liable, where to find evidence, and what legal strategies may be the most effective for your case. Most plaintiffs do not know exactly how the accident happened, only that they are badly hurt. Our truck accident attorneys will investigate the crash and work with the authorities to determine precisely what happened.

Jackknife Accident

Trucks are often hitched to long, heavy trailers full of cargo. The relationship between the truck and trailer is tricky. If the truck driver is going too fast and tries to slow down suddenly, the trailer might not slow down at the same rate as the truck. If this happens, the trailer might swerve out to the side, causing the entire vehicle to form a kind of L-shape across the highway. If this happens, other drivers might be hit by the truck or the trailer. The entire rig might even topple over if the trailer becomes too unbalanced.

Rollover Accident

When the truck, trailer, or both completely fall over on the road, vehicles and drivers next to the truck may be crushed. These rollover accidents may happen because of speed, as mentioned above, but might also stem from unbalanced cargo. The cargo in a trailer is often heavy and must be loaded in a specific way to keep the trailer balanced when traveling down the highway at high speeds. If cargo is loaded incorrectly, the trailer may be unbalanced and topple over when the driver tries to make a turn or hit the brakes.

Squeezing Accidents

Another possible truck accident involves something known as squeezing. When trucks attached to trailers make right turns, they often must do so in a specific way to maximize safety. Usually, the trucker must pull forward a bit and swing out to the left before turning right. Doing this creates more space on the right-hand side, which helps to prevent other vehicles from getting caught between the trailer and the truck. If the trucker does not take these precautions, a vehicle on the truck’s right side might be squeezed or crushed.

Injuries and Damages in Georgia Truck Crash Cases

Damages in truck accident cases tend to be significant as plaintiffs are often badly hurt. Damages generally fall into one of two categories: non-economic and economic damages. If you are unsure of the extent of your injuries and costs, review them with your attorney. Accounting for all your damages is the best way to maximize your compensation.

Economic damages are based on how much money you spend as a result of the truck collisions. One of the largest sources of economic damages is medical care. People involved in truck accidents tend to be very badly injured, and their need for medical care is often significant. It is not unusual for plaintiffs in these cases to rack up enormous hospital bills. If your care is ongoing or expected to last for the long term, we can help you estimate and close future medical expenses.

Other economic damages may include the value of your damaged vehicle and the various pieces of personal property inside. If your injuries keep you from working, you may claim the value of lost earnings. These damages may be especially high for those who can no longer work due to injuries.

Non-economic damages can be somewhat tricky to calculate because they often do not involve any money. Instead, these damages reflect the personal and painful experiences of the accident and its aftermath. If your injuries leave you with permanent disabilities, you might claim non-economic damages for the loss of enjoyment of your life or reduced quality of life. While these damages do not exactly have a price tag, they may still be worth valuable financial compensation.

How a Lawyer Can Help You After a Georgia Truck Accident

A skilled lawyer can help you in more ways than one. First, your lawyer can advise on your legal options. While suing the people responsible for the accident might be an excellent option, it might not be your only option. Some plaintiffs might benefit more from an insurance claim or a settlement. Your attorney can explain all your options, so you make the most informed choice possible.

If you choose to file a lawsuit for your injuries and damages, your attorney can assist you in preparing evidence and developing effective legal strategies. Should you sue just the trucker, or is it smarter to go after their employer? Were other drivers somehow involved in the accident? Understanding the answers to these questions will allow your lawyer to build a strong case and hopefully get you the compensation you deserve.

Call Our Georgia Truck Accident Lawyers to Talk About Your Legal Options

For a free evaluation of your claims, call Rice, Murtha & Psoras at (470) 287-3070 and speak to our truck accident attorneys.