
How Much Compensation Can I Get for Paralysis in Maryland?

It cannot be understated the devastating effect of injuries that cause paralysis. If another person paralyzes you, the compensation you would be entitled to will likely be high.

While there is no one way to determine the value of a victim’s paralysis case, the more serious the injuries are, the more compensation that can be reasonably expected. Several factors will be reviewed to determine your case’s value, including the severity of your paralysis and whether any actions on your part could be used to lower your compensation.

Contact Rice Law today at (410) 694-7291 to speak with our Maryland personal injury lawyers and receive your free case assessment.

How Much Compensation Can I Expect to Get for Paralysis in Maryland?

Determining how much compensation you can recover for paralysis in Maryland depends on several factors. Obviously, injuries involving paralysis are serious, so if another person causes them, the compensation will likely be high. However, no two cases are the same, with each one presenting its own challenges. Our Baltimore personal injury attorneys have the experience to handle your case with the care and skill it deserves.

Unfortunately, settlement negotiations do not always work out in such serious cases. While avoiding the time and costs of lengthy litigation is usually preferable, it is sometimes best to pursue compensation through the court. Sometimes, the defendant or insurance company is unwilling to pay the high damages being demanded. They might latch onto reasons for reducing pay that would not stand up in court. However, a jury might be much more sympathetic to the plight of a victim fighting to overcome the injuries caused by the defendant. This is especially true if your paralysis injuries were caused by egregious conduct.

Although there is no formula for determining how much compensation you will get for paralysis, the longer your injuries are projected to affect you, the higher the compensation you will need to cover your treatment. In the most severe cases, compensation might need to account for a lifetime of treatments. Thus, it is common for paralysis cases to be awarded damages in the six and seven figures.

What Is a Good Settlement for Paralysis in Maryland?

Determining a good settlement for paralysis in Maryland does not have a fixed formula. This is because the factors that determine the settlement amount vary from case to case. Therefore, what might be considered a good settlement in one case may not be sufficient in another. However, paralysis is a severe and life-changing injury, and it is reasonable to expect a high settlement.

If someone experiences paralysis, they will likely require ongoing medical treatment that could last for the remainder of their life, regardless of the severity of their condition. Additionally, they will likely need compensation for lost wages, as their injuries may prevent them from returning to work. It is possible that they may never be able to work in the same capacity or industry again. Therefore, a satisfactory settlement should cover all financial losses. Moreover, paralysis victims may face medical issues in the future, such as surgeries, infections, swelling, and physical discomfort. A reasonable settlement should also consider any future medical expenses and procedures that may be necessary.

To ensure adequate compensation for the emotional and physical trauma that comes with paralysis, the ideal settlement should account for pain and suffering damages. Although these damages may not always be considered in a settlement, they are frequently awarded in lawsuits for severe injuries like paralysis. It is essential to negotiate for these damages to receive proper compensation.

Factors that Can Influence How Much Compensation Can You Get for Paralysis in Maryland

As mentioned, there are a number of factors that will impact the amount of compensation you get for your paralysis injuries in Maryland. These factors can greatly influence your decision to settle your case for a certain amount or proceed to trial. Our Ocean City personal injury attorneys can offer guidance every step of the way so that you are informed of the best options to get the compensation you are entitled to.

The Severity of Your Injuries

The more serious your paralysis injuries, the higher the compensatory award you are likely to recover. While every injury involving paralysis is serious, some will eventually heal. That process could include weeks or years of physical therapy and surgeries, but there could be a timeline for when your injuries are likely to heal. In these situations, your compensation will typically be negotiated around your future prognosis. However, if the insurance company disagrees with the assessment or has another reason to fight your claim, you might need to file a lawsuit to recover damages.

If your paralysis is permanent or near permanent, the compensation you can get will most likely be high. It cannot be understated how many aspects of a victim’s life are impacted by permanent paralysis. They likely cannot enjoy former hobbies, work in the same capacity, or maintain social relationships. Essentially, their entire life is turned upside down. Victims often experience extreme bouts of depression and mental anguish. These damages can also be pursued along with your economic losses, which can greatly increase the amount of compensation they recover.

Contributory Negligence

Another major factor impacting your financial award is whether you contributed to your injuries. Unfortunately, Maryland practices pure comparative negligence rules, which bar plaintiffs in a lawsuit from recovering any compensation if they are found to have contributed to their accident by even 1%. This is the harshest system in use in the country. Most states allow victims to recover some damages even if they were partially to blame, albeit at a reduced amount, but Maryland still chooses to employ it.

If there is some evidence that you contributed to the accident, Maryland’s strict rule might influence your decision to settle a case rather than risk the question with a jury. However, the settlement will likely be for a significantly reduced amount. Our Rockville personal injury attorneys can help fight accusations that you contributed to your accident and ensure you are treated fairly by the opposing side.

Steps You Should Take After Being Paralyzed in an Accident in Maryland?

The amount of compensation you receive in a settlement relies on various factors, some of which are within your control. Your top priority should be seeking medical care to address any injuries sustained. This will enable you to gather evidence to support your claim. The strength of your case lies in the amount and quality of evidence presented, so it is crucial to gather as much as possible. Our team can assist you in accurately calculating your damages and protecting your legal rights, so do not hesitate to reach out for help.

Gather Evidence

To ensure you receive a fair settlement for your injuries, it is important to provide ample relevant evidence. Evidence can be obtained from various sources and come in different forms. Although our office will conduct our own investigation to gather useful evidence, there are immediate steps you can take if your injuries allow. These steps include taking photographs of the accident scene and obtaining information from any witnesses present. If you are unable to do so due to your injuries, you can ask emergency medical personnel for assistance.

Our team will assist you in collecting evidence such as medical records and thoroughly investigate the incident scene to uncover any additional evidence. This includes checking security cameras in public places or workplaces where the injury occurred. Having strong and convincing evidence increases the chances of receiving a settlement that accurately reflects the severity of your injuries.

Reach Out to Our Firm

To ensure that you receive proper compensation, it is crucial to obtain legal advice during settlement negotiations. It is important to file a lawsuit promptly to expedite the compensation process and secure evidence while it is still relevant. If you have been paralyzed, it is probable that you will need an expert to testify regarding your injuries and recovery prognosis. We can arrange for an expert to testify on your behalf and negotiate with the insurance company even after the lawsuit is filed. Filing a lawsuit indicates that you are serious, and most insurance companies would rather settle than go to trial. However, we are prepared to take your case to court if a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached.

What Types of Compensation Can I Get for Paralysis in Maryland?

You will be entitled to a wide range of damages for your paralysis injuries. These damages can be broken down into economic and non-economic damages. However, Maryland does cap the amount of non-economic damages you can recover.

The most common form of damages are economic losses. This includes your medical expenses, which will likely be extensive, lost wages, and other expenses associated with treating your injuries. Importantly, you can claim future medical costs as part of your economic damages, which will typically be at the heart of the compensation number you demand.

Paralyzed victims will also likely sustain damages from out-of-pocket expenses. These expenses could include costs like gas money spent on traveling to doctors or legal appointments or expenses related to childcare. To ensure that you can recover these expenses in a settlement, it is crucial to keep copies of receipts for any costs incurred while treating your injuries. Without these receipts, recovering the expenses could prove to be challenging.

Non-economic damages, also known as “pain and suffering,” are intended to compensate victims for the emotional impact and physical pain their injuries have caused. These damages can be difficult to calculate but can be expected to be high given your paralysis injuries. Unfortunately, Maryland caps the amount of pain and suffering damages victims can recover for their injuries. As of October 2022, the cap is set at $920,000. However, this number is set to increase every October. Our Towson personal injury attorneys can help you determine the value of your damages to get the compensation you need for your and your family’s future.

Typically, punitive damages are not awarded unless the defendant has committed an extremely heinous act. However, it is appropriate to consider these damages in a settlement agreement for a paralysis case. For example, if a drunk driver caused a car accident that resulted in paralysis, it would be reasonable to demand punitive damages during negotiations, as they may be awarded if the case goes to trial. Many insurance companies would prefer to negotiate a fair amount of punitive damages in the settlement rather than risk paying significantly more in court.

Our Maryland Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

For a free case review with our personal injury attorneys, call Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 today.