
What Questions Are Asked in an Injury Case Deposition in Maryland?

Being deposed can be a frightening prospect for injury plaintiffs, especially if they’ve never been in such a situation before. Fortunately, our lawyers can, based on the specifics of your case, anticipate what questions you might be asked during a deposition so that you are thoroughly prepared.

During injury case depositions in Maryland, victims might be asked various questions. For example, your personal history may be of interest to the opposing side. This might include previous civil claims you have filed or pre-existing medical conditions you might have. You will likely also be asked questions about what happened during and immediately after the accident that caused you injury. For example, you may be asked whether or not you reported the incident to the police or sought immediate medical attention. Victims are also often asked questions about their damages due to an accident. We can review the facts of your case with you to prepare you for questions commonly asked during depositions so that you feel confident and comfortable proceeding with this aspect of your claim.

To get a confidential and free case review from our Maryland personal injury lawyers, call Rice Law now at (410) 694-7291.

What Questions Might You Be Asked in a Maryland Injury Case Deposition?

Depositions are part of the discovery process for injury cases in Maryland. When a plaintiff in a case is deposed, they are asked a series of questions by the opposing side under oath, outside of a courtroom setting, so that they can gain information and evidence pertinent to the case. Our lawyers may also depose involved parties during discovery as well. During your deposition, there might be certain questions you are asked regarding the accident and your actions.

What is Your Personal History?

During a pre-trial deposition, you may be asked general questions about your personal life and history. These may include questions about where you live and work, your family, your criminal record, your history of civil claims, and any possible pre-existing medical conditions you might have. Sometimes, questions about a victim’s personal life asked during a deposition can feel invasive and unrelated to the purpose of a personal injury claim. Defense attorneys may do this to understand better who a plaintiff is and what might have motivated them to sue the defendant. Our lawyers can help you prepare for the possible personal questions you might be asked at the beginning of a deposition so that you do not feel comfortable doing so.

What Happened During the Accident?

After you disclose the necessary personal information asked by the defense’s counsel during a deposition, you will likely be asked many questions about the accident that caused your injury. At first, these questions might seem very basic, like what was the exact location of the accident, or what time of day did the accident occur? Then, they might get very, very specific. For example, if you were hurt in an auto accident, you might be asked about how fast you were driving at the time of the accident, as well as how fast the other driver was operating their vehicle. You might also be asked about the impact point between the vehicles, which could lead to questions about property damage.

Because of this, preparing for a deposition with help from our Baltimore personal injury lawyers will be important. Depositions should be taken extremely seriously, so reviewing the facts of the accident will be necessary. During a deposition, you might also be asked about your actions during the accident. Our lawyers can help you prepare for such possible questions so that you do not unintentionally accept fault for your injuries. If you do this during a deposition, you will be blocked from pursuing compensation per Maryland’s pure contributory fault laws.

What Did You Do After the Accident?

In all likelihood, the defense’s counsel will also scrutinize your actions after the accident. For example, during a deposition, you might be asked when exactly you called the police and informed law enforcement of the incident. Did you call right away, or did you report it in the following days? If you called 911, did you speak to police? Did they create a crash report for the accident? Did you speak to eyewitnesses? Such questions are often asked of plaintiffs during depositions for injury cases.

You might also be asked about the immediate injuries you suffered and whether or not you received medical care for those injuries. You might be asked about your injuries and damages in detail, which is why our lawyers will, prior to your deposition, review your medical records and total losses with you so that you are prepared to answer such questions. Regarding your injuries, you might be asked for the names and contact information of the medical professionals who have treated you following the accident in Maryland.

What Has Happened to You Since the Accident?

Also, during a deposition, you may be asked how the accident has impacted you. The defense likely wants to understand the reality of your total damages so that they know what to expect moving forward. So, you will likely be asked whether or not you have incurred medical damages because of the accident in question. You may also be asked whether or not you have been able to work since the accident, and if you have lost wages, what they amount to. Furthermore, you might be asked questions about your non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. Our attorneys can organize records of all of your losses, financial or otherwise, so that you are prepared to answer questions about the damages you incurred due to the defendant’s negligence in Maryland.

Call Our Injury Attorneys in Maryland Now

The Prince George’s County, MD personal injury lawyers of Rice Law can evaluate your case for free when you call (410) 694-7291 today.