Cheverly, MD Truck Accident Lawyer

Cheverly is very close to our nation’s capital and a few other eastern cities, so drivers around Cheverly are used to navigating major highways. Truck drivers are also used to these same highways, as they are part of typical trucking routes. A truck accident may be a roadside disaster of monumental proportions, and you and others might be very badly hurt. In that case, speak to a lawyer about getting fair compensation.

Part of what makes truck accidents so frighteningly dangerous is the sheer size and weight of these vehicles. Truckers who go too fast, make sudden turns, or lose focus on the road might cause severe collisions and injure multiple other drivers. Not only can you sue the trucker who caused the crash, but you might also sue their employer. In some cases, other parties might bear some blame, and they may be included in the case.

To get started on your case with a free review of your claims, call our truck accident lawyers at Rice, Murtha & Psoras at (410) 694-7291.

How and Where Truck Accidents Happen Around Cheverly, MD

Truck accidents tend to be more common on major highways. Trucking companies often plot truck routes along major highways because they connect numerous cities and are usually large enough for trucks. Talk to our truck accident attorneys about the location of your crash. If it was somewhere that trucks are prohibited, it might be easier to hold the defendant liable.

What is unique about Cheverly, MD is that it is situated very near to Washington D.C. and is also not far from Alexandria, VA, and Baltimore, MD. The area around Cheverly is like a hub of major highways, and they are often full of large trucks. For example, the Baltimore-Washington Parkway is a major highway around Cheverly frequented by trucks of all sizes. Similarly, Maryland Route 50 connects Cheverly to numerous other cities and towns and is a popular truck route.

Truck crashes can be extremely frightening. These are enormous vehicles traveling at high rates of speed, and normal cars are usually no match for them. Head-on collisions are arguably some of the worst truck accidents. It is not unusual for other drivers to be catastrophically injured or even killed in such accidents.

Many other truck accidents are related to turning accidents. Trucks are interesting vehicles because they are often hitched to very long trailers. As such, when truckers make turns, they must be careful about other drivers alongside them. A right-hand turn that is made too tightly might squeeze vehicles next to the truck. Turns made too quickly could cause the truck to overturn right there on the road.

Who You May Sue in a Cheverly, MD Truck Accident Case

Truck accidents tend to be large-scale traffic accidents and may be difficult to piece together. As such, drivers are often unsure who is to blame until the authorities can properly investigate. If the investigation into your accident is still pending, you should consider the following people and parties in your case, as they might be at fault for the collision.

Truck Drivers

The first person that comes to mind in a truck accident is usually the truck driver. People often wonder what the trucker could have been doing to cause such a severe crash. The answer is often surprisingly dull, as it does not take much to cause a truck crash. Truckers might cause accidents because they were speeding, distracted by their cell phone, or because they lost focus and tried to turn when it was unsafe or merge lanes when there were cars next to them. If the trucker is directly responsible for the crash, we can help you hold them accountable.

Trucking Companies and Businesses

If the truck driver is responsible for the accident, we might be able to sue their employer, the trucking company, under a legal doctrine known as respondeat superior. Under this doctrine, an employer may be held liable for the injuries caused by a negligent employee. The key detail is that the employee must have been acting within the scope of their employment. This tends to include many acts of negligence other than criminal behavior or behavior specifically prohibited by the employer.

Other People or Parties

It is possible that other people or entities you have not yet thought of are behind the accident. Maybe the trucker is not fully responsible for causing the accident. For example, another negligent driver might have recklessly cut off the trucker, causing them to slam the brakes and tip their trailer. Another possibility is that the truck driver was unable to stop because the truck’s brakes were defective. In such a case, the manufacturer of the brakes might be held liable.

Assessing Your Injuries and Damages for Your Cheverly, MD Truck Accident Case

Injuries in truck accidents are known for being painful and severe. Common injuries include, but are certainly not limited to, broken bones, lacerations, soft-tissue injuries, spinal cord damage, brain injuries, traumatic brain injuries, death, disabilities, complications, chronic pain, and more. Some people are so badly hurt that they never fully recover. They might have to live with disabilities and re-learn how to live their lives. Some can never work or live independently again because of their injuries. As you can probably guess, damages in truck accidents tend to be substantial.

When calculating damages, we should consider the cost of medical bills, both immediate and long-term. Medical expenses are infamous for being costly, and these might make up the bulk of your economic damages. We should also explore how much income you have lost because of your injuries. Some people can never work again, and damages for lost income might be quite large.

Not all your damages are related to money. You may claim non-economic damages for painful yet subjective experiences or losses. For example, we can help you claim damages for pain, suffering, diminished quality of life, loss of enjoyment of life, scarring, disfigurement, and other unpleasant experiences you endured.

Speak to Our Cheverly, MD Truck Accident Attorneys to Get Your Case Started

To get started on your case with a free review of your claims, call our truck accident lawyers at Rice, Murtha & Psoras at (410) 694-7291.