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What Are Georgia’s No-Fault Insurance Laws?

States commonly use one of two systems for auto insurance: either a fault-based “tort” system or a “no-fault” system.  The distinctions are important and dictate how you get your injuries and vehicle damage covered. Georgia is not a “no-fault” state and instead uses a “fault-based,” “at-fault,” or “tort” system for car insurance.  Whichever name you […]

How Does Comparative Negligence Work in Georgia?

Accidents happen due to negligence all the time, and plaintiffs bring lawsuits to get compensation for injuries the defendant caused. In many personal injury claims, the whole of the incident is the fault of the defendant. However, sometimes life is messy, and plaintiffs are partially at fault for their own injuries. When that is the […]

Can You Sue for Punitive Damages After Injury in Georgia?

When you file a lawsuit, you’re probably looking to get some sort of financial compensation based on your injuries. Indeed, many plaintiffs file cases because they simply cannot deal with the financial burden thrust upon them by the defendant’s conduct. But what happens when the defendant is more than just negligent? What if they had […]

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