Car insurance is one of the many frustrating yet necessary elements of our everyday lives. One of the biggest sources of headaches among drivers is understanding and paying for car insurance deductibles. A deductible is the portion of the bill the insured person is responsible for paying before the insurance kicks in and covers the […]
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Differences Between Collision and Comprehensive Coverage
Car accidents can throw a lot of things out of place and cause a lot of questions to arise. You are going to be wondering if you or a loved one are hurt and, if so, to what extent. You will want to know what medical procedures and treatment are going to be required and […]
Can I File a Lawsuit if I Was Partially At Fault in an Accident in Maryland?
Accidents are not always black-and-white situations. While the defendant might be entirely responsible in some cases, the plaintiff might share part of the blame in other cases. In Maryland, the laws regarding contributory negligence are among the strictest in the nation. If the court determines that you are partially at fault for the accident, you […]
What Federal Trucking Regulations Apply to MD Truck Accidents?
Trucks travel long distances to deliver packages and cargo to homes, warehouses, stores, and other destinations. Frequently, this means that trucks are going to pass through multiple states to get where they are going. One of the things the federal government does is regulate commerce between states. Commercial trucks traveling across states fall under that […]
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