Concussions can produce a wide range of harmful symptoms. Many victims experience piercing headaches, balance issues, and memory problems. Those who suffer concussions on-the-job often need compensation for things like expensive medical bills and pain and suffering. However, concussion victims often question the proper route to compensation.
Under certain circumstances, you may sue other parties for concussions sustained at work. For example, if you suffered a concussion at work because of a defective product then you may be able to file a lawsuit against the product’s manufacturer. Furthermore, a negligent third party may also be held liable for a concussion sustained at work. A personal injury lawyer can help victims assess the validity of their cases.
If you sustained a concussion at work, get help assessing the legal options available to you. Contact our experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyers by calling Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 for a free case review.
When You Can Sue for Concussions Sustained at Work
Injured workers usually have to file for benefits through Workers’ Compensation. However, there are circumstances where workers may sue for concussions sustained at work. Our personal injury lawyers can offer support to victims in each of the following cases:
Defective Products
Some work-related concussions are caused by defective or dangerous products. For instance, the defective safety equipment may cause an arborist to fall from a tall tree, leading to a concussion. In such cases, victims may file personal injury lawsuits against the defective products’ manufacturers.
Lawsuits based on defective products can be complex. Typically, an expert witness is required to explain how or why a product was defective. Our personal injury lawyers can help build your case against a negligent manufacturer after a concussion sustained at work.
Third-Party Negligence
Third-party negligence is also a common cause of work-related concussions you can sue for. For example, there are often several different employers and other contractors present on construction sites. If a third-party contractor leaves dangerous equipment lying around or otherwise creates an unsafe workspace, serious slip and fall accidents can occur. Workers who suffer concussions because of a third-party’s negligence may file suit against the at-fault party.
On-the-Job Vehicle Accidents
Vehicle accidents are a common cause of concussions. When a driver suffers a concussion because of an on-the-job car accident, they may file suit against the at-fault motorist. However, victims must provide evidence that shows the other driver caused or contributed to their injuries. Our Maryland personal injury lawyers can help recover compensation for concussions caused by on-the-job vehicle accidents.
Intentional Employer Conduct
In rare circumstances, workers may sue for work-related concussions sustained because of intentional employer conduct. For example, an employer may force an employee to perform an especially dangerous job as a form of punishment. In such cases, employees may file suit against their employers for concussions sustained because of the employers’ willful or intentional conduct.
Independent Contractor Injuries
Lastly, independent contractors who suffer concussions sustained at work may file lawsuits against at-fault parties. These parties will be unable to recover benefits through Workers’ Compensation insurance. Accordingly, a lawsuit is often an independent contractor’s only path to compensation. The assistance of our experienced Aberdeen personal injury lawyers will be highly beneficial to injured contractors when filing their cases.
Sources of Lawsuits for Concussions Sustained at Work
There are many types of accidents that may cause work-related concussions. Your ability to sue can depend on the cause of your accident. The following are examples of accidents that cause work-related concussions you can sue for:
Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that cause work-related concussions you can sue for. Many slip and fall accidents are caused by third-party negligence on construction sites. For example, a worker may suffer a concussion after tripping and falling from a tall height because another party left loose cordage laying across a walkway. In such cases, our personal injury lawyers can help file suit against at-fault parties.
Being Hit by Falling Objects
Many workers often suffer concussions because they were hit in the head with a falling object. Victims that suffered concussions because they were struck by a falling object may be able to sue the responsible party.
Accidents Caused by Defective Safety Equipment
Furthermore, many work-related concussions occur in accidents caused by defective safety equipment. For example, line workers should be provided with adequate safety equipment to protect them from falling. If that safety equipment is defective, the workers may suffer serious falls that lead to concussions. If you suffered a work-related concussion because of defective safety equipment, you may be able to sue the at-fault party.
On-the-Job Car Accidents
Lastly, on-the-job car accidents are a common cause of concussions you can sue for. For example, a delivery driver may suffer a concussion because they were struck by a car that ran a red light. In that case, the driver may file suit against the negligent driver that caused their accident.
Steps to Take Before Suing for a Concussion Sustained at Work
There are certain steps you should take after suffering a concussion at work. Taking the following actions may help your ability to recover financial compensation in a personal injury lawsuit:
Take Photos
You should take photos at the scene of the accident if possible. Photos at the scene may be valuable when proving which party is at-fault for your work-related concussion. For example, photos of an unsafe workspace on a construction site can be used to demonstrate factors that led to a slip and fall.
Take Notes
You should also take detailed notes regarding the circumstances of your accident. The details surrounding your accident are important. Your personal recollection can be very valuable to our Annapolis personal injury lawyers when building your case.
Report Your Injury
Reporting your injury can be crucial to recovering compensation. An accident report can help point to the root cause of an accident. Furthermore, an accident report provides crucial documentation if you wish to file a lawsuit for your work injury. Victims can contact our personal injury lawyers for help filing a report for a concussion sustained at work.
Seek Medical Treatment
Furthermore, you should not wait to seek medical treatment for your concussion sustained at work. Proper documentation of your injuries is required to recover compensation in a personal injury lawsuit. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can help refer the right doctors to treat your work-related concussion.
Contact Our Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers
Finally, you should contact our experienced personal injury lawyers to assess the validity of your case. Our team can provide an accurate assessment of your legal rights after suffering a concussion at work.
If You Sustained a Concussion at Work, Our Lawyers Can Help
If you sustained a concussion at work, seek assistance from our experienced Ocean City personal injury lawyers by calling Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 for a free case review.