Medical malpractice lawsuits are not limited to your doctor. Any medical professional or healthcare provider could be held liable if they make an unjustifiable error that results in severe medical consequences. Radiologists are no exception. Treating physicians rely on radiologists when making their diagnoses and prescribing treatment. If you were harmed or if a radiologist’s mistake negatively impacted your medical condition, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages. Our experienced Maryland medical malpractice attorney discusses the impact of a medical misdiagnosis below.
Radiologists in Maryland Hospitals and Medical Facilities
A radiologist is a physician who is especially trained in using medical imaging devices to diagnose diseases and injuries. the training includes graduating from an accredited medical school, licensing examinations, and a four-year residency program focusing on radiation and imaging. A radiologist will analyze and interpret images generated from X-rays, positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound.
In a typical situation, a treating physician will order a diagnostic imaging test to assist in determining a patient’s medical condition. Once the tests are ordered and completed, a radiologist will review the results. After thoroughly interpreting the test results, the radiologist will prepare a detailed report for the treating physician, who will rely on the report to formulate their diagnosis and treatment. When a radiologist makes a misdiagnosis in interpreting a test’s results, necessary medical treatment may be delayed or completely ignored. With an experienced Baltimore misdiagnosis injury attorney by your side, you may be able to recover compensation for these injuries or harm from a negligent radiologist.
Can a Radiologist Commit Medical Malpractice in Maryland?
The use of medical radiological images is vital in making informed and accurate decisions regarding a patient’s treatment. Patients and treating physicians rely on a radiologist’s ability to interpret test results correctly. Errors or mistakes in analyzing information will commonly adversely affect a patient’s treatment. Radiologists are held to the same standard of care as other medical professionals and healthcare providers.
There are two usual mistakes that radiologists make in the course of their work. the first is misreading test results, including misinterpreting the results or failing to notice something on the image that should have stood out. This error could result in a treating physician misdiagnosing a patient’s condition.
Suppose you suffered an injury after falling down a flight of stairs – your foot is in substantial pain, but you manage to put pressure on it. After a trip to the emergency room and several x-rays, you are told that the foot injury is merely a sprain. However, the radiologist misread the x-rays, and a small fracture was misdiagnosed. Now, many months later, you are back in the hospital with a severe break in your ankle, which would not have occurred had it been appropriately treated at first. In this case, the radiologist might be held liable for your injuries. Keep reading from our Baltimore attorneys for ER and hospital mistakes about how this constitutes medical malpractice.
Providing excellent medical treatment requires efficient and clear communication between physicians, nurses, and staff, including radiologists. It is essential that a radiologist provides not only accurate information but ensures that the treating physician is aware of any abnormalities present in the test results. When a patient comes in suffering from symptoms of a heart attack, a treating physician might order an MRI to assess any damage to the heart muscle or surrounding tissue. After reviewing the results, a radiologist prepares a detailed report indicating the errors of the heart that were affected by the heart attack. Additionally, the radiologist notes a small abnormality on the patient’s lung and adds that as an addendum to the full report. the treating physician never reads the entire report, and the abnormality goes untreated. A year later, it is discovered that the abnormality was an indication of early-stage lung cancer. Under these circumstances, both the treating physician and the radiologist could be held liable for medical malpractice. In the case of the radiologist, there is an inherent duty to proactively notify a treating physician of a potential adverse medical condition and if that radiologist does not perform that duty accurately or efficiently, our Maryland attorney for cancer misdiagnosis can help.
When is a Radiologist Liable for Medical Injuries or Misdiagnoses in Maryland?
To be successful in a medical malpractice lawsuit, a plaintiff must establish that the radiologist owed them a duty of care and that their mistake was a negligent breach of that duty. Every medical professional owes their patient a legal duty of care. Returning to our earlier example, to prove that the duty was breached, the plaintiff must show that a similarly trained radiologist, under the same conditions, would have either noticed the abnormality or, if they had, ensured that the treating physician was notified of its existence. Our law office has the resources to gather medical records and expert testimony to help prove that a radiologist failed to meet the standard of care required. If your loved one died after a radiology misdiagnosis, contact our Maryland wrongful death attorneys today.
If You Suffered an Injury Due to a Radiologist Misdiagnosis, Call Our Maryland Medical Malpractice Attorney
We trust our medical professionals and healthcare providers to make the best possible decisions concerning our health. Often, the quality and accuracy of a treating physician’s diagnosis rely on the test results provided. When a radiologist misdiagnoses or misinterprets the result of a medical imaging device, a patient is likely to suffer. If a radiologist fails to notify a treating physician of a potentially dangerous condition, then the patient might not receive the necessary treatment. In either case, the radiologist’s conduct could constitute medical malpractice. If you or a loved one was misdiagnosed and your medical condition was adversely impacted, contact our Maryland attorney for injuries caused by a radiologist’s misdiagnosis. Call the Baltimore medical malpractice attorneys at Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 to schedule a free, confidential consultation.