auto accident lawyer Baltimore md

How Do You Collect Payment for Medical Bills After an Accident in Maryland?

The aftermath of a car accident can be distressing for those involved. Victims of car accidents can incur several serious types of injuries that require expensive medical care.

You can collect payment for medical bills after an accident in Maryland by filing a car accident lawsuit against the driver who caused your crash. In most cases, compensation will be sought from defendants’ insurers. A car accident lawyer can help ensure you take the appropriate steps toward monetary damages.

If you were hurt because of a car crash in Maryland, get help recovering the payment you deserve. Reach out to our experienced Baltimore car accident lawyers by calling Rice Law at (410) 694-7291. Our attorneys will review your case for free.

Seeking Payment for Medical Bills After an Accident in Maryland

In order to recover payment for your medical bill after suffering a car crash in Maryland, you should file a car accident lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Negligent drivers can be held responsible for accidents they cause.

The process for pursuing compensation in a car accident lawsuit can vary depending on the cause of your accident and the extent of harm you suffered. Still, in order for your case to succeed, you must demonstrate that each of the following elements are true:

  • The defendant was under a duty of care
  • The defendant failed to adhere to their duty of care
  • You were hurt because of the defendant’s breach of duty
  • You sustained damages because of your injuries

Analyzing these elements in the context of your case can be a complex task. Fortunately, our Bel Air car accident lawyers can help evaluate the strength of your claim during your free case review.

Should I Use My Own Health Insurance to Pay for Medical Bills After an Accident in Maryland?

You should use your own health insurance to pay for medical expenses after a crash in Maryland if possible. It is unlikely that a defendant’s insurance company will immediately agree to pay for your medical costs. Accordingly, you should use your own insurance first. Afterwards, our Maryland car accident lawyers can help seek reimbursement from negligent motorist responsible for your crash. You can recover payment for all past, current, and future medical expenses stemming from your car accident injuries.

Evidence Used to Recover Payment for Medical Bills After an Accident in Maryland

In order to recover payment for medical bills after an accident in Maryland, you must gather evidence that shows you suffered injuries because of another driver’s negligence. There are several forms of evidence that can be utilized to accomplish this task. The following are common forms of evidence used by our experienced Maryland car accident lawyers:

Medical Records

In order to recover damages for medical expenses, you must obtain proper documentation of your injuries. Damages for medical bills are often established using medical records. Accordingly, you should seek prompt medical treatment after suffering an accident. Waiting to let your injury heal on its own could inhibit your ability to recover compensation.

Furthermore, defendants and their insurance companies may use gaps in medical treatment to refute aspects of your claim. Therefore, you should be sure to attend any follow-up medical appointments related to your injury and continue taking any prescribed medications.

Physical Evidence from the Scene

Physical evidence from the scene of an accident can be used to show which driver is at fault. For instance, an open liquor bottle recovered from a defendant’s vehicle may be used to show that they were impaired at the time of a collision. Our Bowie car accident lawyers can help gather and review any relevant physical evidence from the scene of your crash.

However, some evidence can be hard to preserve or bring to court. Accordingly, other types of evidentiary documentation are allowed.

Photos from the Scene

Photos from the scene of a car accident can also be used to prove that a defendant driver is liable for a crash. For instance, photos can be used to dispute defendants’ alternative theories of fault. If a defendant says that a crash was caused by poor road conditions, photos from the scene showing appropriate road conditions may be used to disprove the defendant’s assertion.

Therefore, you should always take photos at the scene of your collision if possible. Our Columbia car accident lawyers can help review any photos you took during a free review of your claim.

Accident Reports

After a car accident that causes an injury in Maryland, a police officer should visit the scene to create an official accident report. These reports can contain a variety of information that points to crashes’ causes:

  • Statements from witnesses
  • Statements from drivers
  • A drawn diagram of the crash
  • Information regarding the property damaged by the crash
  • An officer’s notes regarding the cause of the crash

Accordingly, accident reports are among the first pieces of evidence examined by insurance companies and lawyers when assigning fault for a collision. Our Maryland car accident lawyers can help recover a copy of the official accident report in your case.

Witness Statements

Witness statements are another form of evidence that can be helpful when seeking payment for medical bills in a car accident lawsuit. Witnesses can offer oral and written testimony that explains the events that occurred before, during, and after your collision. Therefore, you should attempt to obtain contact information for any witnesses to your accident if possible. Our attorneys can help when reaching out for their potential cooperation.

Personal Recollections

Lastly, your personal recollection of your accident can be very helpful to our Maryland car accident lawyers when seeking payment for your medical bills. It is hard to determine which details surrounding your accident will become important at a later stage of your lawsuit. By recording your personal recollection while your memory is fresh, you may preserve crucial details that can be used to win your case.

If You Suffered a Car Accident Injury in Maryland, Our Attorneys Can Help

If you were hurt because of a car crash in Maryland, seek support from our experienced Dundalk car accident lawyers by calling Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 to review your case for free.