
Frederick, MD Car Accident Lawyer

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    Victims of car accidents may be under the impression that they need to use a car insurance claim to get the compensation they need after being injured.  In some cases involving property damage alone, a car accident claim may be the quickest and simplest way to get your vehicle damage covered.

    However, if you faced injuries and required medical care for your injuries, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit to get full compensation.

    The Frederick, MD, car accident lawyers at Rice, Murtha & Psoras may be able to take your claim and fight to get you the compensation you need for your injuries.

    If you need help with your case, call our law offices today to learn more about your options and what your case might be worth.  Our phone number is (410) 694-7291.

    Common Causes of Car Accidents in Frederick, MD

    There is no definitive cause of car accidents in Frederick and the U.S. Rather. Most car crashes are the result of a mix of different patterns and behaviors. Many times, car accidents are caused by the negligent actions or omissions of another driver. We have narrowed down the list of the most common causes of car accidents in Frederick, which include:

    Distracted Driving

    Over the years, distracted driving has been responsible for thousands of severe injuries in the U.S. The most alarming fact about distracted driving accidents is the number of things that can trigger them.

    Distractions behind the steering wheel can be manual, cognitive, and visual. Actions like eating and drinking, texting, and driving are examples of distractions that can lead to a severe crash.

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2018, there were 2,841 deaths caused by distracted drivers in the U.S. If a distracted driver in Frederick injured you or a loved one, we can help you fight for compensation.

    Drunk Driving

    For decades, drunk driving has caused thousands of accidents, injuries, and millions of dollars in property damage in the U.S. Despite many laws prohibiting this dangerous conduct, negligent drivers choose to drink and drive.

    This negligent behavior can put themselves and others at risk of sustaining severe, life-threatening injuries in a crash. According to the NHTSA, drunk driving claims the lives of at least 10,000 people every year in the U.S.

    These numbers reflect the dangers drinking and driving represent for drivers in Frederick and the nation. Don’t let the actions of a negligent drunk driver put your finances at risk. Our Frederick car accident lawyers can help you hold the liable parties accountable for your losses.


    Drivers are responsible for abiding by existing traffic laws and preventing any foreseeable accidents on the road. Sadly, many negligent drivers keep engaging in this dangerous behavior, which can often lead to a catastrophic crash.

    According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), a person dies every fifty minutes in alcohol-impaired crashes in the U.S.

    If you or a loved one face injuries caused by a drunk driver in Frederick, our car accident attorneys can help you file your claim against the liable party.

    Types of Car Accident Injuries Our Frederick Car Accident Lawyers Handle

    Over our years of experience handling many car accident claims in Maryland, we have learned that negligence plays a significant role in the resulting injuries caused by a car crash.

    The results of a car accident can vary greatly from case to case. In some accidents, victims may walk away from the crash with no injuries.  In others, moderate injuries may affect them for a few weeks or months, and permanent injuries and disabilities may affect them for the rest of their lives.

    Sadly, most car accidents end in tragic, life-changing injuries that can last for a long time. Some of the most common injuries our Frederick car accident lawyers can handle include:

    Back and Neck Injuries

    Injuries to the back and spine are common in many car accident cases.  Whiplash is one of the injuries most closely associated with car accidents and occurs commonly in rear-end collisions.

    Even low-speed crashes can be enough to cause your head to snap back and forth and put undue strain on the neck, resulting in whiplash.  Back injuries are also incredibly common, especially in rear-end collisions.

    Sudden force and pressure on your back can misalign your spine and put pressure on the soft tissue in your back.  More severe injuries can put undue pressure on your spinal cord itself, potentially resulting in paralysis or permanent discomfort, motor control issues, and loss of sensation.

    The costs associated with this type of injury can put you under financial duress in a short period. However, you can fight for the compensation you deserve by filing a personal injury claim against those who caused you harm.

    Head Injuries

    In accidents where your head strikes against the interior of the car or against debris, you could face serious head and brain injuries.  Concussions are common injuries that victims may recover from, but these injuries are still a mild form of traumatic brain injury.

    Repeated concussions could cause substantial injuries later in life, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

    Traumatic Brain Injuries

    More severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result in permanent loss of function, including motor functions, memory issues, and cognitive issues. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are amongst some of the most severe and dangerous injuries a person can sustain during a crash.

    TBI often happens as a result of a heavy blow to the head. Depending on the extent of the injury, a person can suffer from debilitating symptoms such as dizziness, fogginess, partial memory loss, disorientation, and vomiting, among other symptoms.

    Additionally, a heavy blow to the skull can cause injuries that can cause irreparable damage to the brain tissue. If you or a loved one suffered a TBI in a car crash in Frederick, we can help.

    Broken Bone Injuries

    Broken bones typically heal, but they can take increased medical care and attention to get better.  Some fractures break the bone into more than two pieces, which typically requires surgery or medical implants to get the bones set back into position.

    Breaks in weight-bearing bones could require additional implants or screws to keep the bone from splitting or splintering when weight is put on it.  More severe breaks may also push through the skin, requiring surgery to close the wound and align the bones.

    Broken ribs and breaks in the collar bone, spine, skull, or hip could require additional treatment as well.

    Broken bone injuries can increase in severity depending on the type of break in the bone. For instance, a complete bone break can cause severe pain.

    Also, broken bones can pierce through the skin and internal organs, creating additional medical complications for the victim. You can fight for compensation after a broken bone injury, and our Frederick car accident lawyers can help.

    Cuts, Scrapes, and Lacerations

    These injuries are often minor in most accidents.  If broken glass or sharp debris hits you, it may cause minor scrapes, cuts, or lacerations that require stitches or bandages.

    Deeper, more severe cuts could require intensive medical intervention, especially if you lost a lot of blood or the cut is in an obvious location like the face.  Cuts that leave visible scars may increase the pain and suffering because of the outward reminder of the accident.

    Bruises and Blunt Force Trauma

    While bruises may be one of the most common injuries sustained in a car crash, these injuries are not particularly serious.  However, serious blunt-force trauma could cause internal bruising and bleeding, which could be fatal if left untreated.

    It is vital to always seek medical care after an accident to make sure you have no internal wounds that you cannot see.  Many internal injuries may be masked by adrenaline, so it is vital to have an EMT or emergency room staff member check you for injuries.

    Proving Your Car Accident Claim in Frederick, MD

    As mentioned, many car accidents allow not only insurance claims but also car accident lawsuits.  When you take the driver who hit you to court instead of suing through insurance, you may open your case to additional damages that you can claim.

    For instance, insurance typically pays for medical bills and pain and suffering at only a percentage of their total cost.  In a lawsuit, you may instead be able to claim 100% of these damages as well as pain and suffering damages.  To get this compensation, you must prove that the other driver was at fault.

    Establishing your claim requires you to determine the defendant’s negligence. To achieve this, your Frederick car accident lawyer can help you prove all the elements needed in your claim.

    You will need to show that the defendant owed you a legal duty that was breached, caused you harm, and you suffered losses. Once you have proven your case by the preponderance of the evidence, the court may award you compensation.

    It is essential to know that you have up to three years from the moment of your crash to file your claim with the court. This legal timeline is known as the statute of limitations, and it requires you to submit your claim on time, or you may risk losing your chance at getting compensation. Our Frederick car accident lawyers can help you file your timely claim.

    Call Our Frederick, MD, Car Accident Attorneys for a Free Case Consultation

    After a Frederick car crash, you should speak with a lawyer about what your case might be worth.  Accepting an insurance payout or settlement offer from the at-fault driver may make it impossible to claim additional damage, and you should never accept money for an injury before understanding what the case should be worth.

    If you or a loved one suffered significant losses in a car accident due to the negligent actions of a negligent driver, we can help. Our Frederick car accident attorneys at Rice, Murtha & Psoras can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

    We are not afraid to bring the liable parties to justice. Let our experience, skill, and dedication work for you while you focus on healing from your injuries. Call our law offices today to schedule a free, confidential consultation at (410) 694-7291.