
How to Get Car Accident Footage from MDOT Cameras

After a car accident in Maryland, you may consider filing a lawsuit against a negligent driver. If you do, you need access to all evidence to support your claim, including potential MDOT camera footage.

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) has cameras throughout the state that may have filmed your accident. To request a copy of video footage, your Maryland car accident lawyer may have to submit a Public Information Act request or subpoena the footage.

While your car accident may not have been caught on MDOT cameras, it is possible that private security cameras filmed it.

If there is any chance that your car accident was filmed on MDOT cameras or other devices, your Maryland car accident lawyer will strive to access the footage and use it to support your claim against a negligent driver.

Rice Law is dedicated to helping car accident victims get the compensation they deserve. Our attorneys can obtain MDOT footage and represent your interests in a lawsuit. For a free case evaluation, call the Maryland car accident lawyers at Rice Law today at (410) 694-7291.

How Can You Get Car Accident Footage from MDOT Cameras?

Although it can be rare, it’s possible that an MDOT traffic camera filmed your recent car accident in Maryland. If that’s the case, it’s essential to gain access to the footage. Because of that, car accident victims in Maryland need to know how to get car accident footage from MDOT cameras.

To get a video copy of a car accident in Maryland, victims may have to submit a Public Information Act request through MDOT. Because this can be difficult and requires detailed information, a Maryland car accident lawyer can help you.

Making record requests for video footage of a car accident can be complicated. The process may not be as simple as, say, obtaining a police report for a car accident in Maryland.

It’s possible that your specific county does not have MDOT cameras, and therefore, you must contact another agency to obtain car accident footage.

Since the process of getting car accident footage from MDOT cameras or other traffic cameras in Maryland can be difficult, it benefits victims to hire a Maryland car accident lawyer to handle any records requests.

Because accessing specific footage can be time-consuming, MDOT or another traffic agency may take too long to process your request. If MDOT or another traffic agency in Maryland does not approve your car accident footage request, a Baltimore car accident lawyer can subpoena the footage.

How Likely is it That Your Car Accident is Filmed on MDOT Cameras?

Car accident victims in Maryland need to know if they can rely on MDOT cameras to film their collisions. If they can’t, they must learn what else they can do to strengthen their claim against a negligent driver.

Unfortunately, your car accident may not have been filmed on MDOT cameras or cameras from another traffic agency. Often, these cameras are situated at intersections and on busy roads.

If your car accident occurred on a quiet road in Maryland or far from stoplights, it is not likely that MDOT cameras filmed it.

In that case, it is crucial to call Maryland police officers to an accident scene. Although a police report will not be considered evidence like camera footage, it can still benefit your Maryland car accident lawyer.

Because you can’t always know if a car accident was filmed on MDOT cameras, it is necessary to call police officers after any collision in Maryland.

What Should You Do If Your Car Accident Was Not Filmed on MDOT Cameras?

In a perfect world, all car accidents in Maryland would be caught on camera. That way, victims would have video proof of an accident’s cause. However, it can be rare for collisions to be filmed on MDOT cameras. When that happens, victims need to know what to do.

If your car accident was not caught on MDOT cameras, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t filmed in other ways. Depending on where your car accident occurred in Maryland, it may have been filmed on a red-light camera or other traffic camera operated by another agency. It is also possible that a private security camera footage filmed your car accident.

So, if a car accident was not filmed on MDOT cameras, there still may be hope that another device filmed it. That is why hiring a Maryland car accident lawyer is so important.

An attorney can visit an accident site and assess the area for any cameras that might have caught your car accident on tape. If there are some in the area, your Aberdeen car accident lawyer can speak to local business owners or the necessary agencies in order to obtain a copy of the footage.

Why Should You Get Car Accident Footage from MDOT Cameras?

Getting access to MDOT footage of a car accident can be very beneficial in a lawsuit against a negligent driver. Such footage can act as evidence in a lawsuit and help you recover sufficient compensatory damages.

Although accessing MDOT car accident footage can be a hassle, it is worth it. Hiring a Maryland car accident lawyer reduces the stress of obtaining footage and increases your chances of recovering damages.

Remember, your attorney can take the necessary steps to obtain MDOT car accident footage on your behalf and use it to support your claim against a negligent driver.

Video footage of a car accident can work to a plaintiff’s advantage in a car accident. For example, suppose a defendant claimed that there was an obstruction in the road or another car that caused an accident.

If there is video evidence to the contrary, their argument weakens. When MDOT cameras record a car accident occurring, plaintiffs can use the video as proof of a negligent driver’s actions.

If the video exists, obtaining car accident footage from MDOT cameras is crucial. Your Ocean City car accident lawyer can use the footage to support your claim and improve your chances of recovering compensatory damages in a lawsuit against a negligent driver.

Call Our Maryland Car Accident Lawyers Today

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Maryland, it’s possible that an MDOT camera captured the collision. For a free case evaluation, call the Pasadena car accident lawyers at Rice Law today at (410) 694-7291.