
Is a Concussion Considered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Maryland?

A concussion is the least serious kind of brain injury you can suffer but that does not mean it won’t cause long-term symptoms and ruin your life. A concussion is considered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Maryland.

Although most people who sustain concussions make a recovery, repeated concussions may be life-threatening injuries. It’s important to get medical treatment for a concussion as soon as possible.
If you sustain a head injury in an accident you may suffer personality changes that affect your quality of life. You may lose your job and quality of life. Always talk to a Baltimore brain injury lawyer if someone caused your head injury in Maryland.

Medical Definition of a Concussion

A concussion is usually caused by a sudden bump or blows to the head. the human brain is made up of soft tissue. Spinal fluid around the brain acts as a cushion while the bones of the skull are the outer protection. A blow can cause the brain to move around inside the head, causing bruising, damage to the blood vessels, and injury to the nerves. The word concussion is derived from the Latin concutere which means “to shake violently.”

Common Causes of Concussions in Maryland

Common causes of concussions include:

  • Auto accidents including car, truck, motorcycle, pedestrian, and cycling accidents
  • Slip and falls
  • Blows to the head during sports like football, soccer, and boxing
  • Assaults and attacks
  • Shock waves from explosions in war zones
  • Industrial accidents

What Are the Symptoms of a Concussion?

A concussion is not always straightforward to diagnose. Always see your doctor if you suspect you sustained brain damage. You may not be diagnosed with a mild TBI even if you have one. Even tests like CT scans and MRIs may not reveal the existence of a concussion. Losing consciousness, even for just a few minutes, after a Maryland car wreck is a sign of a concussion. Others are more subtle.
Common symptoms of concussions include:

  • Dizziness and balance issues
  • Depression
  • Ongoing headaches
  • Nausea
  • Double vision or blurry vision
  • Insomnia or changes in sleeping patterns
  • Anxiety
  • Problems understanding or concentrating
  • Anger, irritability, sadness, or nervousness
  • Brain fog

You should look out for other signs of concussion. They include:

  • Delayed reactions
  • Seizures
  • Out of character behavior

Children who suffer concussions may cry incessant, lose their appetite, or not nurse properly.

Potential Long Term Effects of a Concussion Injury in Maryland

Concussions are also known as mild traumatic brain injuries. the term is misleading. Concussions can have a very serious impact on the life of the sufferer.

According to Brainline, most mild TBIs usually get better within a month. If symptoms persist after six months, they may linger. However, most studies show single mild TBIs present little risk of long term cognitive issues. About 20 percent of people who sustain a concussion suffer post-concussion symptoms.

Potential longer-term effects of a concussion include:

  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Irritability and other changes in personality
  • Disturbed sleep and insomnia
  • Depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems
  • Disorders of smell and taste

People who suffer multiple concussions are more likely to experience life-altering consequences. Repeated concussions suffered by athletes or soldiers in war zones can add up to a serious traumatic brain injury.

Some athletes who suffer repeated blows to the head developed a condition called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The disease was initially diagnosed in boxers. It has since been identified in football players, culminating in a $765 million settlement reached by the National Football League for 18,000 retired athletes. Many players who suffered CTE took their own lives.

What is Second Impact Syndrome (SIS)?

Second Impact Syndrome occurs when a victim suffers a second concussion before the symptoms of the first blow clear up. A second impact can cause cerebral edema and herniation, leading to collapse and death.

A 2007 study of high school and college football players found 94 catastrophic head injuries involving significant intracranial bleeding or edema over a 13-year period.

What Damages Can You Claim for a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Maryland?

People who suffer a mild traumatic brain injury in Maryland may struggle to live the kind of life they lived before their accident. They may lose their job or have to take a lesser position.

Concentration and sleep can suffer and they often end up battling depression. Changes in personality associated with a mild TBI can damage family relationships and mean the sufferer no longer enjoys activities they took part in before the accident. All of these factors can be included in a personal injury claim. You can claim for lost wages, medical bills and pain, and suffering associated with the loss of your quality of life. Brain injury victims often incur high future medical costs for continuing care that should be factored into a personal injury settlement in Maryland.

Although TBI settlements can be high, they are often difficult to prove. the damage sustained is not as tangible and easy to put a price on as a broken leg or a herniated disk. Insurance companies will argue symptoms like headaches were caused by factors other than a brain injury such as neck injuries and are transitory. it can be difficult to isolate a brain injury. People injured in car crashes often suffer depression, sleeplessness and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – all potential symptoms of a traumatic brain injury. it takes a lot of meticulous work on the behalf of a Maryland personal injury attorney to make a case for a TBI.

Hire a Baltimore Brain Injury Lawyer for Your Concussion Today

A Baltimore personal injury lawyer can help you build up a case after a head injury. We can tell you about how a concussion is considered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Maryland and its potentially serious effects. We can gather evidence from “before and after” witnesses to show how a brain injury changed a victim. We can call on expert witnesses to help build your case. Even mild traumatic brain injuries may be permanent. Call us today for a free and confidential consultation at (410) 694-7291.