
Can I Sue If I Was Injured in an Accident Driving a Rental Car?

No one wants to deal with the stress and complication that may accompany a serious car accident. This is especially true if a motorist was struck when operating a rental car. Fortunately, the victim of a car accident can pursue damages from a negligent driver. If you or a family member was injured in a car accident involving a rental car, contact an experienced Maryland rental car accident lawyer.

Rice Law can help you pursue litigation for an unexpected rental car accident that caused you to suffer a serious injury. To schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your claim, contact Rice Law at (410) 694-7291. You can also contact the firm online.

Liability for a Rental Car Accident in Maryland

Ordinarily, a car accident between two or more people would be resolved by the insurance companies for each driver. However, when a car accident happens that involves a rental car, the issue of liability can become more complicated.

When renting a vehicle, a consumer has the option to purchase varying levels of insurance, the rental car company offers. Car insurance coverage will likely range from coverage for minor damages to full coverage that can cover accidents, thefts, and other issues. While a renter is not required to purchase the insurance policies from a rental car company, it would be wise to have some insurance coverage on the vehicle.

Insurance coverage for a rental vehicle is not only provided by the rental company. A renter can receive insurance coverage from their personal insurance. it is important to note that not all insurance policies will have provisions for rental car damage. As a result, you should refer to your contract or contact a representative from the insurance company to verify whether your plan includes rental car insurance. If you do not own a vehicle, you likely do not have an insurance policy that can cover a rental car.

Additionally, if the cause of your accident was a negligent driver that struck your vehicle, they could be held liable for the accident. Under these circumstances, the insurance provider for the rental company would pursue compensation from the negligent driver’s insurance. If the rental car company cannot show that the other driver was negligent and the renter did not purchase insurance coverage, the renter could be on the hook for the damages to the rental car.

To learn more about what to do after a rental car accident, continue reading and contact an experienced Maryland personal injury lawyer.

What to Do After a Rental Car Accident in MD

If a negligent driver struck your rental car, you should take the following steps to ensure your safety and preserve evidence if you need to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Contact Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical Services

After the car accident, you should move your vehicle to a safe area if possible and check on the safety of other motorists involved in the accident. If you or another motorist require medical assistance, you should call for an ambulance.

Be sure to also request that law enforcement arrive to investigate the scene of the accident. You can request a copy of the police report once they conclude their investigation of the accident.
Additionally, even if you do not believe that you were injured, it would be wise to be seen by a doctor. Some injuries may not exhibit symptoms for days or weeks, so it is important to seek medical attention after a major car accident.

Exchange Information with Negligent Driver

It is important to exchange information with the negligent driver that you can then relay to the rental company or your attorney if you wish to pursue a lawsuit. This information should include:

  • The name of the driver and contact information
  • Make and model of the vehicle
  • License plate, registration, and insurance policyholder

Take Photographs of the Accident and Any Injuries

Photographs of the damage to each vehicle can help the insurance companies or an experienced attorney determine how an accident occurred. Additionally, a victim should document any visible injuries that resulted from the accident.

A victim should also take photos of the scene of the accident and document any other issues that may have contributed to the accident, like poor weather.

Contact Your Insurance Provider and an Experienced Attorney

Inform your insurance provider of the accident as soon as possible. If multiple insurance companies are covering the vehicle, there could be disputes about which company is responsible for the damage to the vehicle and the victim’s injuries.

An experienced attorney can help you in a number of ways. For example, if a representative from an insurance company contacts you, a lawyer can represent you in these transactions. An insurance claim adjuster that represents the negligent driver may contact a victim looking for any holes in their story they can use to diminish the victim’s compensation for the accident. However, our firm can help guide you through these issues to avoid making any statements that can negatively impact your case. We can also help you pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver.

Speak with Our Experienced Maryland Rental Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you were a victim of a car crash while operating a rental car, contact an experienced Baltimore vehicle accident lawyer. Injury lawyer Randolph Rice possesses a wealth of experience litigating complex car accident claims, and he would be pleased to use this knowledge to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free case evaluation, contact Rice Law at (410) 694-7291.