
Rockville, MD Car Accident Lawyer

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    Many drivers get around the City of Rockville and other Washington suburbs by driving.  This is a necessity for many families and individuals, but there is always a risk that other drivers may not use the proper care and skill that they should behind the wheel.

    Car accidents are responsible for thousands of deaths in the United States each year and an even greater number of injuries.  If you or a loved one was injured in a car crash, or if you lost a loved one to a car accident in the Rockville area, call Rice Law to get the help you need.

    Our Rockville car accident attorneys may be able to take your case and work with you to get you the financial compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other expenses related to the crash.  For a free legal consultation on your case, call our law offices today at (410) 694-7291.

    How to File a Car Accident Claim

    You may need to file for compensation if you were injured in a car crash.  You will often have options to get the compensation you need.  All drivers in Maryland are required to carry car insurance that can cover at least $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident for injuries as well as $15,000 for property damage.

    In some cases, this may cover your needs if you suffered vehicle damage only or if your injuries involved minor cuts and scrapes only.  However, more severe injury cases may need to be filed in court.

    When you file your claim through car insurance, you are typically limiting your financial recovery in a few ways.  First, you will only be able to receive compensation that the insurance policy covers.

    This means that while damages for property damage, medical bills, and lost wages are typically available, compensation for pain and suffering is not.  Second, the policy limit will typically stop you from receiving any damages over that amount.  Third, you may be entitled to receive only a percentage of the full damages you claim, according to how much the policy pays.

    When you file your claim through the courts, you can claim any compensation you are entitled to. The court allows any damages stemming from the accident to be claimed at their full value as part of the injury case.

    Since you file your claim against the driver and not their insurance policy, this means that the driver is on the hook to pay any damages that might break the limit on their insurance policy.

    Still, the insurance company will typically cover many of these damages for them under their policy.  This also opens the opportunity to claim damages for physical pain, mental suffering, and other intangible effects.

    The goal of damages in a car accident case is to set you back to the state you were in before the accident occurred.  This means covering expenses in full, but this compensation cannot heal your injuries or bring back loved ones killed in a crash.

    However, financial compensation for these injuries or losses can help you cope and continue to support yourself and your family in spite of the injury or loss.

    Talk to a lawyer for more information about what your claim should be worth and how best to file it to maximize your compensation.

    Common Types of Car Crashes in Maryland

    Although car crashes can occur in thousands of possible ways, there are a few broad types of accidents that are more common than others.  Our attorneys discuss some of these accidents and explain how these cases are often decided in court:

    Drunk Driving Accidents

    If you or a loved one was hit by a drunk driver, that driver is typically at fault for the crash.  Driving under the influence is illegal in every state in the U.S., including Maryland, and it is unacceptable to get behind the wheel after you’ve had too much to drink.  Our attorneys can aggressively pursue these kinds of cases and fight to get you the compensation you need.

    Distracted Driving and Texting While Driving Accidents

    Drivers are expected to keep their eyes on the road to watch for dangers, pedestrians, and other cars.  If the driver was distracted and could not focus on the road, they would likely be found at fault for the crash.

    Using your phone while driving is illegal in Maryland, and our lawyers help hold a driver who hit you while texting liable for the damages they caused.

    Intersection Accidents

    Most accidents occur where two or more roads meet.  Drivers who fail to follow traffic laws for yielding, stopping, or waiting their turn are often responsible for these kinds of accidents.

    This can include accidents involving running a red light, failing to yield while making a left turn, or following too closely and rear-ending another car at a red light.

    Parking Lot Accidents

    Even low-speed crashes in a parking lot can result in injuries like whiplash, back injuries, and other injuries with surprisingly severe consequences.

    If a driver backed out of a space or pulled through and hit you, they would likely be at fault for the crash.  These kinds of accidents can be even more severe if the victim was a pedestrian.

    Call Our Rockville, MD Car Accident Lawyers Today

    If you were hit by another vehicle in Rockville, MD, contact our Rockville, MD, car accident lawyers today.  Our attorneys fight for justice and financial compensation for clients who were injured in a car crash or whose loved ones were killed in a car crash.

    For a free legal consultation on your case and help understanding how to seek compensation for your injuries, contact Rice Law today at (410) 694-7291.