An accident can seriously impact a victim’s emotional well-being. If you were recently injured in an accident in Maryland and are experiencing emotional difficulties, our attorneys can help you recover non-economic damages in an injury lawsuit.
In Maryland, non-economic damages can compensate injury victims for emotional losses and difficulties after an accident. That might include compensation for pain and suffering and reduced quality of life. Maryland does impose caps on non-economic damages for different cases, though the limit is often quite high. Recovering non-economic damages can be challenging, which is why it benefits victims to hire our experienced lawyers. In addition to non-economic damages, you may be able to recover compensation for financial losses in an injury lawsuit in Maryland.
Our attorneys are dedicated to helping injury victims in Maryland recover the non-economic damages they deserve. For a free and confidential case evaluation with the Maryland personal injury lawyers at Rice Law, call today at (410) 694-7291.
What Losses Do Non-Economic Damages Cover in Maryland Injury Lawsuits?
After an accident in Maryland, victims might be injured in more ways than one. While injuries may have a physical and financial impact, they often have an emotional one as well. In Maryland injury lawsuits, non-economic damages can compensate victims for that emotional impact.
Non-economic damages can be difficult to recover in Maryland injury lawsuits. These damages attempt to compensate victims for the impact a negligent party’s actions have had on their lives, emotionally. Accidents often take a mental toll on victims, and serious injuries might lead to long-lasting emotional difficulties.
In Maryland injury claims, non-economic damages can compensate victims for losses without inherent financial value. Depending on the case, compensation for non-economic losses can differ, but might cover pain and suffering, reduced quality of life, loss of consortium, or inconvenience.
All non-pecuniary losses, or losses that don’t affect a victim financially, can be compensated for with non-economic damages. If you are having difficulty identifying how a negligent party’s actions have impacted your life and are unsure whether or not you qualify for non-economic damages, reach out to our Fort Meade personal injury lawyers. Our attorneys can assess your case and estimate the non-economic damages you deserve in an injury lawsuit.
Does Maryland Impose a Cap on Non-Economic Damages?
Although your emotional losses undoubtedly seem incalculable, Maryland does limit how much you can receive in non-economic damages in certain cases. The cap on non-economic damages varies, depending on the case.
The current cap on non-economic damages for personal injury claims in Maryland is $620,000. For wrongful death claims, the cap on non-economic damages is 150% that of personal injury claims, meaning the cap in 2022 is $930,000. Each year the cap for personal injury claims increases by $15,000, according to Md. Code, Cts. Jud. Proc., § 11-108(b)(2)(ii).
Each year, the limit on non-economic damages for medical malpractice claims increases by $15,000 as well. In 2022, the limit is $860,000 For medical malpractice claims that result in death and leave at least two surviving claimants, the cap on non-economic damages is 125% of the normal cap for medical malpractice claims, according to Md. Code, Cts. Jud. Proc., § 3-2A-09(b)(2)(ii). In 2022 the limit in these cases is $1,075,000. This can get confusing quickly, so victims should enlist help from our Maryland personal injury lawyers better to understand the limit on non-economic damages for their case.
How Can You Recover Non-Economic Damages in a Maryland Injury Claim?
Recovering non-economic damages can be challenging, especially since emotional losses are difficult to quantify. To recover non-economic damages in an injury case in Maryland, victims should turn to our experienced attorneys. Without the right approach, you may be unable to recover the non-economic damages you deserve.
Proving Fault
To recover non-economic damages in an injury claim in Maryland, you must first prove a negligent party’s fault. To do this, our Easton personal injury lawyers will start by investigating your claim to uncover evidence. Then, using compelling evidence like medical records, eyewitness testimony, expert testimony, photographs, security camera footage, and other information, our lawyers can meet the burden of proof in your injury claim and prove that a defendant’s negligence caused your damages.
Proving Damages
In order to claim non-economic damages in your lawsuit against a negligent party, you must provide proof of your losses. Proving emotional losses can be challenging, as they don’t come with an invoice or a receipt. So, our attorneys must demonstrate the losses you have sustained using other methods. To provide proof of damages in an injury claim in Maryland, our lawyers may ask that you keep a journal or seek help from a therapist after an accident. These steps can create documentation of how a defendant’s negligence has impacted your emotional and mental health, allowing you to recover non-economic damages in your injury claim.
Are Non-Economic Damages the Only Compensation Available to Maryland Victims?
While recovering compensation for the emotional damages you have sustained can feel rewarding, there is also the issue of your financial losses. In an injury lawsuit in Maryland, victims can recover more than non-economic damages when they seek help from our skilled attorneys.
After an accident, victims may require compensation for their financial losses. Medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses can become overwhelming quickly, and victims may need relief. When you file an injury lawsuit in Maryland, you can recover economic damages to compensate you for all financial losses due to a defendant’s negligence.
Depending on the case, Maryland victims might be able to recover punitive damages as well. These damages are only available in cases of gross negligence, so ask our Maryland personal injury lawyers if you qualify.
Call Our Maryland Lawyers About Your Injury Claim Today
If you need to recover compensation after an accident in Maryland, our attorneys can help. For a free and confidential case evaluation with the Bowie personal injury lawyers at Rice Law, call today at (410) 694-7291.