A rollover truck accident is exactly what it sounds like: a large truck rolling over in the street. These accidents are extremely dangerous, and determining who is at fault is rarely simple.
In almost any accident, including truck accidents, people are quick to blame the driver. While truckers are often responsible for these kinds of accidents, other parties might be involved who share responsibility and should be brought to justice. Other drivers on the road might have influenced the crash. The trucking company might be liable. Manufacturers of faulty truck parts might be to blame. Talk to an attorney to figure out who is at fault. Rollover accidents might stem from numerous causes. Improperly loaded cargo, speeding, and dangerous turns are common causes. To prove how the accident occurred and who is responsible, we need as much evidence as we can gather. Videos from security cameras and dashcams might shed light on the situation. Witnesses and even business records from the truck company might also be crucial.
Get a free case evaluation from our Maryland truck accident lawyers when you call Rice Law at (410) 694-7291.
Who Causes Rollover Truck Accidents in Maryland?
A rollover truck accident might be caused by numerous people and entities connected to the crash. Some people, like the truck driver, are a bit more obvious, while others might fly under your radar. Our Aberdeen truck accident lawyers can help you sort through the crash details and determine who should be held responsible.
Truck Drivers
The first person injured accident victims point the finger of blame at is usually the truck driver. Truck drivers are often directly responsible for rollover crashes. As explained in more detail below, many common causes of rollover accidents, like improperly loaded cargo or speeding, are within the control of the trucker. They are responsible for driving as safely as possible under the circumstances and obeying the rules of traffic the same as all other drivers on the road.
The trucker might have been distracted, or perhaps they were very tired after many hours on the road and dozed off. While we should absolutely investigate the truck driver’s actions, there might be additional parties who share responsibility.
Other Drivers
Many truck accidents result from the combined negligence of several drivers. While the trucker might be to blame for the crash, other drivers might not be innocent victims. For example, another driver on the road might have swerved into the path of the trucker or otherwise cut them off quickly and recklessly. If the truck driver was speeding and unable to stop, the resulting accident might be their fault and the fault of the first driver who cut them off.
Trucking Business or Companies
If we sue the trucker for damages, we might also sue their employer. Under the legal theory known as respondeat superior, an employer may be held vicariously liable for injuries caused by a negligent employee if that employee was acting in the scope of their ordinary duties and job description. In truck accidents, this might include simple acts of negligence behind the wheel while the trucker is on duty.
Including the trucking business or company in your lawsuit is often a good idea, even if we are unsure whether they can be held liable. Often, trucking companies have greater insurance and financial resources than individual drivers, and they might be better able to cover all your damages. If the truck company is not liable after all, we will quickly figure that out and adjust our case accordingly.
In some rollover accident cases, the root cause of the crash is not trucker negligence but a faulty part or piece of equipment on the truck. Trucks are large pieces of complex equipment themselves, and if they are not manufactured properly, they might be unsafe to drive.
Perhaps the brakes did not function properly, which caused the truck to skid and swerve as the trucker tried to stop before rolling over. Anything is possible. We should talk to the authorities and make sure the truck itself is inspected for any flaws, defects, or damage that might have caused the crash. If this is the case, we can sue the manufacturer of the truck or the specific faulty part.
How Someone Might Cause a Rollover Truck Accident in Maryland
The big question is how a person or entity causes a rollover truck accident. Numerous factors might have contributed to your accident. One possible cause of a rollover accident is an improperly loaded trailer. Cargo in trucks can be very large and heavy. Trucks are often carrying several thousand pounds of cargo at any time. If the cargo is loaded in a way that is not balanced, the entire truck and trailer might topple.
Speeding is a major cause of many accidents, and truck accidents are no exception. First, truckers must avoid speeding because trucks are too big and heavy to make quick stops. If another car cuts off the truck or an animal darts into the road and the trucker has to slam their brakes, the truck might roll over.
Turning is another way in which trucks can roll over. Again, trucks are big and heavy vehicles. When truckers navigate a turn, they must do so slowly and carefully. Turning too sharply and quickly is a great way to cause a rollover accident.
How to Prove Who is Responsible for a Rollover Truck Accident in Maryland
Evidence is the heart and soul of your case. Without it, your claims are unlikely to get very far. With rollover truck accidents, victims often have difficulty remembering how everything happened. These kinds of accidents tend to happen suddenly and are so large that it is difficult to see everything from your car. As such, we should obtain video footage of the crash from security cameras or dashcams if it is available. This evidence might give us a better view of the accident and more insight into how it happened.
We should also speak to as many witnesses as we can. Some witnesses you might remember from the accident. They might have been other drivers or people who stopped to help. We might find even more witnesses in the police report. If the police spoke to other witnesses, they might include their names and contact details in the report, and we can contact them.
If we include the trucking company in the case, we should demand copies of certain business records. For example, truckers are often required to log when they drive and take rests, and their employer is responsible for maintaining these logs and other records. If these records indicate the trucker had not taken a break for a long time before the accident, we might have evidence showing they were very tired and fell asleep at the wheel.
Contact Our Maryland Truck Accident Lawyers for Support Now
Get a free case evaluation from our Annapolis truck accident lawyers when you call Rice Law at (410) 694-7291.