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How to Get a Police Report After a Car Accident in Alpharetta, GA

When you need help getting the police report for your recent car accident in Alpharetta, you can turn to our lawyers for assistance.

First, you need to know where to go to get the report. The Alpharetta Police Department uploads reports to an affiliated third-party website when finished, making it easy for victims to access and download these documents. To locate the report online, you must provide your personal information and details about the crash. Don’t delay getting the report, as having it will be important when preparing your case. When reviewing the report, we can address any inaccuracies and look for new information. Victims should report any and all motor vehicle accidents to the police, especially if they are hurt. If you do not call 911, police officers will not complete an accident report in Alpharetta.

For a confidential and free case review from our Alpharetta, GA car accident attorneys, call Rice, Murtha & Psoras at (470) 287-3070.

Everything to Know About Getting a Police Report After a Car Crash in Alpharetta, GA

When you call the police and alert them about an auto accident in Alpharetta, they will write an accident report. Getting this report soon after the accident is important, as our lawyers may need a copy when preparing your compensation claim.

Where to Go

To obtain the accident report from the police, you can go online to The Alpharetta Police Department uploads finished reports to this website. Be wary of using other third-party websites, as reports from those sites might be inaccurate or incomplete. You can also call the Alpharetta Police Department to see if you can get the report in person. When you download a police report from, it will cost $13.

Information You’ll Need

You must identify yourself as a party involved in the accident to obtain the corresponding report. To download the report online, you must input the state and jurisdiction, which would be the Alpharetta Police Department. After that, you need to provide your last name and the date of the accident. From there, you can either input the report number, if you know it, your vehicle identification number, or your driver’s license number. If your report has been uploaded to the website, that should be sufficient information to locate it. If you go to the Alpharetta Police Department in person to locate the report, they may ask you for similar information.

When to Go

You should not wait too long to get a police report for a car crash in Alpharetta. Typically, officers finish and file reports within several business days of accidents. You can go on the website periodically to check if your report is ready or call the Alpharetta Police Department directly. If too much time has passed since the accident and the report is still not ready, we can contact law enforcement to address the issue.

Addressing Inaccuracies

When we have the police report, our Alpharetta, GA car accident attorneys can read it with you and review it for accuracy. Despite being inadmissible in Georgia lawsuits, police reports give useful context to a case and might point towards evidence. Making sure the police report is accurate is important so that it is a useful document to reference throughout the process. If you notice an inaccuracy, we can alert the Alpharetta Police Department to its error.

Reasons to Get it

Again, although we cannot use the police report as evidence in your case against a negligent driver, we can use it in other ways. For example, if law enforcement officers spoke with eyewitnesses, they likely noted their contact information in the report. This can let us get in touch with witnesses and record their statements.

Furthermore, officers might note seemingly minor details that deserve a closer look. For example, suppose the other driver claimed that they hit you while trying to avoid a pothole or other hazard, but the police report indicates that is false. In that case, we can return to the accident scene to investigate further. We can also review photos from the accident site to find clarity in such situations.

When to Report Car Accidents to the Police in Alpharetta, GA

Whenever a victim is injured from a crash, even if only slightly, they should call the police. This is the only way to get a police report from law enforcement in Alpharetta.

Reporting car accidents is often mandatory in Georgia. According to O.C.G.A. § 40-6-273, drivers must call the police to report any crash that results in bodily injury, death, or more than $500 in property damage. Failure to report these accidents is not only against the law but could result in a lack of documentation should a victim pursue compensatory damages in the future.

Do not let the other driver convince you to leave the police out of it. That only benefits negligent drivers, not victims.

Do not leave the accident scene before speaking to the police, even if the other driver does. When officers get there, tell them what happened to the best of your ability. Do not rehash the crash with the at-fault driver, as you could risk misspeaking and hurting your future claim.

Tell police officers about your injuries as well. While you may not know your exact diagnosis at the scene, you can tell the police you are hurt and request emergency medical treatment. Officers will note in the report if you leave the scene in an ambulance. They may also note the apparent severity of your injuries at the scene.

Not reporting an accident makes it harder for victims to establish a crash occurred and a negligent driver was involved. Because of that, you should call the police after a crash, even if you feel physically fine. You might have underlying injuries that deserve compensation.

Call Our Lawyers in Alpharetta, GA for Help with Your Case

Call (470) 287-3070 to get help with your case from Rice, Murtha & Psoras’ Alpharetta, GA personal injury attorneys.