
Maryland Attorney for Babies that are Born Prematurely

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    The joyful experience of having a baby can become traumatic and distressing because of a premature birth. When babies are born prematurely, multiple complications can occur.

    Unfortunately, some physicians contribute to premature births by failing to provide reasonably competent care to their patients. Negligent doctors who cause premature births can be held liable for injuries they cause. Furthermore, there are several forms of monetary damages available to plaintiffs in birth injury lawsuits.

    If your baby was born prematurely because of a doctor’s negligent conduct in Maryland, get help pursuing the financial compensation you deserve. Contact our experienced Maryland birth injury lawyers by calling by calling Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 for a free case review.

    Injuries Suffered During Premature Births in Maryland

    There are many complications that can be caused by premature births. The earlier a baby is born, the more likely they are to experience severe health issues. The following are common examples of injuries suffered by premature babies in Maryland:

    Intraventricular Hemorrhage

    An intraventricular hemorrhage refers to bleeding in the brain that typically occurs near the ventricles, which are spaces filled with fluid in the middle of the brain. This injury can cause damage to the part of the brain that controls an infant’s motor skills. In severe cases, babies who experience an intraventricular hemorrhage may develop cerebral palsy. Our Maryland birth injury lawyers can help recover compensation after an infant suffers an intraventricular hemorrhage because of a premature birth.

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

    Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) refers to a form of breathing problem infants can develop because they lack protein that prevents air sacks in the lungs from collapsing. RDS is another common type of injury associated with premature babies.

    If a baby’s RDS was caused by medical negligence, the victim may be entitled to monetary damages in a birth injury lawsuit. You can contact our Maryland birth injury lawyers for help investigating the cause of your child’s condition.

    Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)

    Another common injury suffered by premature babies is necrotizing enterocolitis. This condition usually presents itself two to three weeks after a premature birth. It is a painful condition that causes a swollen belly, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. Children who suffer necrotizing enterocolitis because their physician committed medical malpractice may be entitled to a wide range of monetary damages.

    Patent Ductus Arteriosis (PDA)

    Additionally, some babies that are born prematurely will develop patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). PDA affects the two major blood vessels next to the heart. In babies that have PDA, these two vessels will not close properly after birth. Children with PDA may incur breathing problems or suffer heart failure. If your child’s PDA was caused by your doctor’s negligent actions, our Maryland birth injury lawyers can help you file a lawsuit seeking monetary damages related to your child’s condition.

    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)

    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is another condition regularly caused by premature births. It can cause victims to develop fluid in their lungs and incur various other types of lung damage. Babies with BPD may have difficulty breathing for the rest of their lives.


    Lastly, premature births can also lead to apnea. Apnea describes a pause in breathing for 20 seconds or more. It is often accompanied by a slow heart rate. Our experienced Maryland birth injury lawyers can help determine whether your child’s apnea occurred because of medical negligence.

    Examples of Medical Negligence that Lead to Premature Birth Injuries in Maryland

    There are many forms of negligent conduct that can lead to a premature birth injury. Doctors are required to provide competent care to mothers and their children during pregnancy and birth. When doctors fail to fulfill their duty of care, severe birth injuries can occur. The following are examples of medical negligence that lead to premature birth injuries:

    • Ignoring the sings of preterm labor
    • Failing to provide medications to slow down preterm labor
    • Failing to provide medications that accelerate development of an infant’s lungs and brain
    • Failing to properly treat ineffectual cervix
    • Failing to order bed rest when a pregnant mother is at risk of preterm labor

    However, there are multiple other forms of medical negligence that can cause a baby to incur premature birth injuries. If your baby suffered a premature birth because of a doctor’s careless conduct, our Maryland birth injury lawyers can help assess the strength of your potential case.

    Settling a Birth Injury Lawsuit vs. Taking a Birth Injury Lawsuit to Trial in Maryland

    Plaintiffs in birth injury lawsuits must usually face the difficult choice of taking their case to trial or reaching a settlement agreement. A settlement agreement is a form of legal contract that orders a defendant to pay a certain sum of monetary damages to a plaintiff in exchange for their case being voluntarily dismisses. By settling early, plaintiffs may receive monetary damages sooner. Furthermore, parties who settle their cases early can save on several expenses associated with trying a case.

    However, settling early is not always advised. Defendants and their insurers frequently attempt to entice low settlement agreements. Accordingly, not all settlement offers are fair. Plaintiffs who take their lawsuits to trial will be able to recover additional compensation. The risk being, plaintiffs who are unsuccessful at trial may recover nothing. Our experienced Maryland birth injury lawyers can help assess the fairness of any potential settlement offers, so you can decide if going to trial is the right choice in your case.

    Types of Damages Available to Plaintiffs in Birth Injury Lawsuits in Maryland

    Plaintiffs in birth injury cases will be able to recover a wide range of damages related to their injuries. The following are examples of damages that may be awarded:

    • Medical expenses
    • Pain and suffering
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Loss of future earnings

    In order for certain damages to be recovered, plaintiffs must show that they were caused by defendants’ negligent behavior. Our experienced Maryland birth injury lawyers can help determine which of the aforementioned damages may be recovered in your case during a free case review.

    If Your Baby Suffered a Premature Birth Because of Medical Negligence in Maryland, Our Lawyers Can Help

    If your baby was born prematurely because of a doctor’s negligent conduct, seek assistance from our experienced Maryland birth injury lawyers by calling by calling Rice Law at (410) 694-7291 for a free case review.