
Maryland Attorney for Misdiagnosis of Fetal Position in the Uterus

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    When a mother enters labor, it is essential that a doctor understand the positioning of the infant. However, if a doctor believes the baby is in the correct fetal position when they are not, this could lead to a number of medical issues that could endanger the child. As a result, a doctor could be liable for misdiagnosing the fetal position of the baby. If your doctor caused your child to suffer a birth injury due to a misdiagnosis, you should consult with an experienced Maryland attorney for misdiagnosis of fetal position in the uterus.

    Rice Law is here to provide you with unique and aggressive legal representation to seek damages for injuries to your newborn. Our firm has worked on a variety of medical malpractice claims, and we would be honored to work with you. To schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your potential malpractice lawsuit, contact Rice Law at (410) 694-7291. You may also contact us online.

    How Misdiagnosis of Fetal Position in Uterus Can Cause a Birth Injury in Maryland

    It is the duty of a doctor to oversee a mother’s pregnancy while ensuring the mother receives treatment for any illnesses that can be passed onto a child. Diagnosing the fetal position of an unborn child is essential when developing a plan for delivery. Failure to diagnose an infant’s fetal position could cause a severe injury to a child, which can make a doctor liable for medical malpractice.

    Ordinarily, an unborn child will toss and turn in the womb frequently. However, around the 32nd week of the pregnancy, the infant will begin to move into vertex presentation. Vertex presentation is when the head of the child is facing the entrance to the birth canal. Unfortunately, not all children will move into vertex presentation of their own volition. Instead, some children will remain in breech presentation with their feet or buttocks facing the entrance to the birth canal.

    Breech presentation, also known as a breech birth, is dangerous because a child’s head will remain in the birth canal for a longer period of time. As a result, a child could become distressed and may begin to struggle. Under severe circumstances, the child may be cut off from vital oxygen and could suffer brain damage from having their head stuck in the birth canal for too long. That is why it is important for a doctor to accurately diagnose the fetal position of the child before delivery.

    Preventing a Breech Birth

    As mentioned, it is vital to avoid a breech birth as it could lead to a number of health complications for a newborn. One way to prevent a breech birth is to perform an external version. An external version is a noninvasive procedure where a doctor will attempt to rotate a child through a mother’s stomach. This procedure can be effective in preventing a breech birth; however, it is also possible for a child to move back into breech presentation.

    If an external version is unsuccessful, a doctor should discuss a cesarean section or other alternatives with a mother. If a doctor does not take steps to prevent a breech birth, they could be held liable if a child is injured.

    Our firm understands how a misdiagnosis can result in a severe birth injury, and we can help you fight against a negligent doctor. To learn more about filing a medical malpractice lawsuit for misdiagnosis, you should continue reading and speak with an experienced Maryland medical malpractice attorney.

    Time Limit for Misdiagnosis of Fetal Position Lawsuits in Maryland

    Misdiagnosis of a fetal position is a severe medical error that can open the doors to litigation for malpractice. However, a potential plaintiff should know that the statute of limitations places a time limit on civil cases.

    The time limit imposed by the statute of limitations can change depending on the circumstances of the case. That is why it is important for a victim to avoid making assumptions about the filing deadline for their case. Failing to meet the filing deadline for a civil case will mean that the victim will be barred from pursuing the case entirely, which will eliminate the possibility of receiving compensation for a birth injury.

    In Maryland, a victim of a birth injury has five years from the date of the injury to file a medical malpractice lawsuit with the appropriate court. In some cases, a victim may not discover an injury until weeks or months after the injury occurred. Under these circumstances, Maryland provides a victim with three years to file their lawsuit from the date the victim discovered the injury.

    Additionally, the filing deadline for a case can be extended depending upon the age of the victim. Our legal team can help you determine how long you have to pursue your medical malpractice claim.

    Contact Our Diligent Maryland Lawyer for Misdiagnosis of Fetal Position in the Uterus

    If your child suffered a birth injury due to medical negligence, you should speak with an experienced Maryland lawyer for misdiagnosis of fetal position in the uterus. the dedicated legal team at Rice Law is ready to work with you on your birth injury lawsuit. To schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim, contact Rice Law at (410) 694-7291. Our firm is also available online.