
What is a Post-Concussion Syndrome and How do I Know if I Have it?

After sustaining a concussion caused by a negligent party., you might notice that your symptoms aren’t alleviating. If that is true in your case, you might have developed post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and be entitled to compensation

Post-concussion syndrome occurs when someone who experienced a concussion does not fully recover in the expected recovery period. Each concussion is different and the length of recovery time depends on the patient and the severity of the concussion. Typically, one can heal from a concussion within weeks or months. Many people tend to think that concussions result in losing consciousness, but this is not the case. About 90% or more of patients who suffer a concussion do not lose consciousness after taking a blow to the head or experience whiplash. If you or a loved one continue to experience post-concussion syndrome symptoms after your recovery time has been completed, seek medical attention immediately.

We’re here to help you recover compensation for losses due to a negligent party. For a free case evaluation with the Maryland personal injury lawyers at Rice Law, call today at (410) 694-7291.

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?

Many people have heard of concussions and have at least a preliminary understanding of what a concussion is. When a person with a concussion does not recover in the expected period of time and continues to experience worsening symptoms, that is known as post-concussion syndrome.

Depending on the severity of a concussion, there is an expected recovery period, after which point patients should be healed and stop experiencing symptoms. When people with concussions do not reach benchmarks anticipated for them by medical professionals, that may be a sign that they have developed PCS.

Post-concussion syndrome may last weeks, months, or even years without the proper treatment and intervention. Identifying PCS can be challenging for victims, who may confuse symptoms with normal headaches, anxiety, or fatigue. If you have been diagnosed with PCS and were hurt in an accident caused by a negligent party or were initially misdiagnosed by medical professionals, contact our brain injury lawyers to learn your options for recovery.

Common Causes of Post-Concussion Syndrome

Post-concussion syndrome occurs when people that have sustained a concussion after a blow to the head do not heal in the anticipated amount of time. Learning the common causes of initial concussions can help victims understand their chances of having PCS.

One of the leading causes of concussions is motor vehicle accidents. This includes car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and truck accidents. Physical assaults might also result in concussions that lead to post-concussion syndrome. Falls, common among construction industry workers, are also a top cause of concussions.

People who are older are at a higher risk of developing post-concussion syndrome, as are women. If you are of a higher risk for PCS and have recently sustained a head injury that you are not recovering from, ask your doctor to test you for post-concussion syndrome.

Symptoms of Concussions and Post-Concussion Syndrome

Someone who has post-concussion syndrome may experience a variety of symptoms. Some patients experience memory and cognitive issues, while others have a hard time balancing and suffer from chronic headaches. About 80% of concussion patients recover anywhere between 10 to 14 days after an accident. Living with concussion symptoms is debilitating. The length of time that one will suffer from PCS symptoms depends on the injury itself. If you took a hard blow to the head and were expected to recover in months, you may have more severe symptoms compared to a patient who has a mild concussion.


It has been observed that many patients who have had concussions in the past are most likely to suffer from post-concussion syndrome. One’s age and occupation can place them at high risk for a concussion. It is always important to wear proper headgear and be aware of your surroundings to ensure that you do not experience a blow to the head. Initial signs of a concussion often include amnesia, headaches, dizziness, and ringing in the ears.


Sometimes, post-concussion syndrome symptoms can be vague, which can make it difficult for a doctor to diagnose their patient properly. Typically, symptoms of PCS are similar to symptoms of concussions, though they may worsen over time. Because there is no test to determine whether one has post-concussion syndrome or not, some patients can be released from the hospital or clinic with no further instruction on how to alleviate symptoms and create a recovery plan. If you tell your doctor that you are still experiencing symptoms after your recovery time is completed, he or she will most likely have you undergo tests like MRIs, CAT scans, and X-Rays. These tests will be used to rule out any other complications that occurred at the time of the injury. A few complications that are important to rule out are brain bleeds, infections, or poisoning.

The most common symptom patients with post-concussion syndrome experience are mood changes. About 85% of patients who suffer from this syndrome will report to their doctor that they feel uneasy and frustrated at times. Your mental health is important. If you experience mood swings after taking a blow to the head, contact your doctor immediately to meet with a specialist to evaluate your symptoms. Feeling dizzy, nauseous, and having difficulty focusing are also common symptoms that arise in patients suffering from post-concussion syndrome. Reach out to our Baltimore personal injury lawyers if you are experiencing symptoms of PCS.

Treatments for Post-Concussion Syndrome

Dealing with a concussion is difficult enough, but what if your symptoms don’t alleviate in the anticipated amount of time? It is important to seek medical attention if you are dealing with post-concussion syndrome after an accident. In most cases, the main treatment for PCS is time.

Although there is no immediate treatment to alleviate the symptoms one may face when dealing with post-concussion syndrome, doctors may prescribe pain and migraine medications. There may be other treatments prescribed by a psychiatrist or neurologist such as antidepressants and psychotherapy may be suggested.

Head and neck injuries can bring about a lot of stress and anxiety. It is important that you always protect yourself from coming into contact with a hard object that might injure the upper body. It is important that doctors reassure their patients that concussions heal over time. If you believe that you are not receiving the proper care and guidance from your doctor regarding your concussion, consider getting a second opinion.

Recovery looks different for each patient, and it is imperative that you follow the doctor’s guidelines to ensure that there are no further complications down the road. Contact our Baltimore Brain Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation if you are experiencing symptoms of PCS and believe a negligent party is to blame.

Types of Doctors Involved in Post-Concussion Syndrome Testing

Immediately after an accident that results in a blow to the head, you should seek medical attention. After visiting the emergency room and being diagnosed with a concussion, what types of medical professionals should you see to monitor your recovery and keep tabs on possible post-concussion syndrome?

The majority of patients who experience whiplash or bump their head will visit their primary care physician. Seeking medical attention after hitting your head is important, but typically, primary care physicians do not have much experience in properly treating head and neck injuries. Your primary care physician may be able to check your blood work and run a few basic tests, but they will not be able to devise a concrete plan for recovery from the accident.

Typically, seeing a neurologist will allow for a speedy recovery and enable you to receive a timeline to return for a form of normalcy. You may have to see a specialist for some time in order to monitor your concussion and identify post-concussion syndrome. No doctor is perfect. If you believe that you are not receiving the information you need regarding your concussion or post-concussion syndrome, our brain injury lawyers can help you get a second opinion.

Common Post-Concussion Syndrome Tests

Like concussions, testing for post-concussion syndrome can be a lengthy and complicated process. It can be difficult to determine if a person has sustained a concussion, let alone if they are dealing with PCS. If you are about to undergo testing for post-concussion syndrome, it is important to know what to expect.

Brain Imaging Tests and Scans

There are five common tests that doctors may use to form a plan of care for a patient suffering from post-concussion syndrome. These tests may include the SCAT5, MRI scans, baseline testing, CT scans, and EEGs. The SCAT5 is a sports concussion tool that can be used to diagnose minor concussions. This test is helpful when diagnosing the initial concussion, but may also be useful in the future if the patient complains of persisting pain and concussion symptoms after the recovery time is completed. In most cases, patients dealing with a concussion will experience a decline in symptoms after about six weeks into recovery. For patients suffering from post-concussion syndrome, this may not be the case. If you or a loved one do not reach out for professional help, you may deal with concussion symptoms for the rest of your life as, without treatment, the symptoms are likely to persist.

Physical Tests

When evaluating a patient for post-concussion syndrome, a doctor may also perform physical tests on their patient to check their eye movement, vision and hearing, balancing skills, state of consciousness, and hand-eye coordination.

Memory Tests

If a doctor believes a patient has post-concussion syndrome, they may ask basic questions like “what month is it?” and “how old are you?” to ensure that the patient has not experienced any form of memory loss. If you suspect you have PCS and were not properly tested for this condition by medical professionals, tell our brain injury lawyers. Our attorneys can explain the proper tests usually administered in these cases so that you can get confirmation on possible post-concussion syndrome.

What Should You Do if You Have Post-Concussion Syndrome?

If you think you have post-concussion syndrome, you should go to the hospital immediately to confirm your suspicions. Getting treated for this condition is important, especially if you plan on filing a lawsuit for compensation against the negligent party that caused your brain injury.

If you’ve recently been dealing with headaches or other common symptoms of post-concussion syndrome, seek immediate medical attention. In all likelihood, if you have been diagnosed with a concussion or sustained a blow to the head in a recent accident and your symptoms have not alleviated, you may have post-concussion syndrome.

After you get a positive diagnosis for post-concussion syndrome and receive a treatment plan, contact our attorneys. Our brain injury lawyers can help you file a compensation case if you sustained a concussion and are dealing with symptoms of post-concussion syndrome because of a negligent party.

Concussions can be difficult to identify at first, which is why many accident victims do not seek immediate medical attention and go undiagnosed, only to experience symptoms of post-concussion syndrome in the future. In order to recover compensation against a negligent party for your brain injuries, it is important to establish your injuries and their cause. When injuries advance to post-concussion syndrome, this can be more challenging, which is why victims should contact our attorneys after receiving a positive diagnosis.

Can You Recover Compensation After Developing Post-Concussion Syndrome?

If you were recently diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome, you might be able to file a lawsuit for compensation. To successfully hold an at-fault party accountable, contact our brain injury lawyers.

Several parties may be liable in a post-concussion syndrome lawsuit for compensation. For example, suppose you visited the hospital after sustaining a head injury and were not properly assessed for a concussion, meaning you went untreated. In that case, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the medical professionals or hospital that improperly diagnosed you.

In other cases, victims may be able to sue those responsible for their injuries. For example, suppose you were recently injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver and have developed PCS. In that case, our brain injury lawyers can help you file a lawsuit against a negligent driver to recover compensation for any medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering due to post-concussion syndrome.

Call Our Brain Injury Lawyers About Your Today

If you have recently developed post-concussion syndrome as a result of a negligent party’s actions, our attorneys can help. For a free case evaluation with the Aberdeen personal injury lawyers at Rice Law, call today at (410) 694-7291.