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Does Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Apply to Injury Lawsuits in Maryland?

The information exchanged between you and your doctor is privileged. Doctors cannot disclose this information without your consent without violating the rules of doctor-patient confidentiality. This confidentiality might be waived, however, in certain lawsuits. Generally, your private medical information cannot be disclosed to third parties without your consent. Doctors who violate this privilege face serious […]

How Long Can the Brain Go Without Oxygen Before Damage Occurs?

The brain is the control center for the entire human body. It is the core part of our central nervous system that directs everything our body does. Moreover, it very well may be the part of our body that makes us, well, us. Accordingly, it is very important to protect the brain because it is […]

What is an Average Settlement for a Wrongful Death in Maryland?

Wrongful death claims often involve significant claims for damages. As such, settlements are often pretty substantial. Even so, your case is unique and may or may not align with what might be considered a typical settlement. An average or normal settlement for wrongful death claims is often hard to decipher because settlements for such grievous […]

Can I Sue My Landlord for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Maryland?

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when a person is exposed to too much carbon monoxide in the air. There are a number of unsavory side effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. While some of the early effects may not be noticeable, the later effects and effects of acute carbon monoxide poisoning are incredibly dangerous and, in some […]

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