
Maryland Bike Crash + Accident Lawyer

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    Do you want a bicycle accident lawyer that will work to get you the right compensation from the responsible person or persons? What if you could hire a biking injury attorney that listens to your needs and makes the process after the crash easier for you?

    Well, there is….keep reading to learn more.

    Did you know hiring a lawyer can increase your settlement or verdict up to 3.5 times more for your claim after a biking accident that is not your fault? Insurance companies are more willing to settle or pay bigger checks to injury victims than if they don’t have a personal injury attorney.

    In this article, our injury compensations lawyer will outline common causes of biking accidents, the types of injuries and what can happen throughout your recovery and claim after the accident. Keep reading and call our biking accident lawyers for immediate legal help and guidance after your bike accident.

    How and Why Bicycle Accidents Occur

    Bicycles play a major role in our society. People bike for recreation, for exercise, and, of course for transportation in our increasingly congested cities.

    Families bike together, bike clubs arrange group rides, people take their bikes to work and use them to go shopping.

    Unfortunately, bikes don’t handle rough roads that well, and are at the mercy of the much larger motor vehicles with which they usually share the road. the result is that many thousands of bicyclists are involved in accidents every year.

    In 2012, data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed, 700-plus bicyclists died and almost 50,000 were injured in accidents with motor vehicles.

    Many, many more bicycle accidents happen for reasons other than colliding with a motor vehicle. In Maryland alone, there are more than 500 bicycle accidents serious enough to cause reportable injuries each year. Most occur in the Baltimore and Washington areas.

    Maryland Traffic Rules and Bicycles

    In Maryland, bicyclists are entitled to the same courtesy and protection as other vehicles on the road and are subject to the same duties.

    Notably, there are several situations in which the law gives bicyclists the right of way over motor vehicles, and bicyclists in many places are required to have lights, reflectors, and warning bells.

    Many bicycle-related accidents involve either the bicyclist or a motorist violating these rules of the road.

    A bicyclist’s violation of a traffic rule may prevent recovery from injuries in an accident, while the motorist’s violation of a traffic rule makes it much easier for the bicyclist to recover.

    Bicycles Offer Little Protection in Accidents…and thus why the injuries are so severe

    A bicycle obviously provides far less protection than a car or truck when it is involved in an accident. Bikes have none of the safety devices that motor vehicles do—seatbelts, airbags, etc.—and there is no reinforced passenger compartment.

    A collision with comparatively massive motor vehicles can cause severe injuries or death even if the bike rider is wearing a helmet and traveling at a low rate of speed.

    Bike accident injuries occur in numerous ways:

    • The direct impact of the motor vehicle
    • The impact of the bicyclist with the road surface
    • Being run over by a vehicle after falling
    • The impact of the bicyclist with parts of the bicycle itself, like handlebars, seats, and pedals

    Who May be Liable in a Biking Accident and how to prove it

    In most bike accident cases involving a collision with a motor vehicle, the driver of the motor vehicle is the likely defendant. But every bike accident is unique. Under some circumstances, any of the following could be liable for the injuries suffered in a bicycle accident:

    • A vehicle driver whose actions caused another vehicle to swerve or crash into the bicycle
    • The manufacturer and/or seller of the bike, if it was defective and the defect caused the accident
    • The agency or governmental unit that failed to properly maintain the roadway
    • A person whose animal was loose on the roadway
    • A person who caused debris to be on the roadway
    • A pedestrian who caused the bicyclist to lose control

    Claims That Cyclist Caused the Accident

    Few people readily admit fault in an accident, and bicycle accidents are no exception. Some motorists actually did not see the bicycle at all and simply assume the cyclist must have been doing something wrong.

    Others simply throw up any defense they think may get them off the hook.

    Attempts to blame the cyclist typically involve claims that the cyclist was violating traffic rules, ignoring traffic signals or stop signs, traveling at excessive speed, simply riding recklessly, or riding while impaired by alcohol or drugs.

    Overcoming these claims requires the careful gathering of witness statements and reconstruction of the accident. An experienced Maryland bike accident attorney can anticipate many of these claims and effectively refute them.

    Additional Information for Victims of Bike Accidents

    • Why road rage bike accidents are so dangerous
    • How to stay safe while riding a bicycle at night
    • Proving negligence in a bicycle accident claim
    • What to Do If Injured in a “Dooring” Accident on a Bicycle

    Cycling Injuries Sustained in an Accident

    Cycling has become a very common type of transportation in Maryland cities. While cycling is an attractive option for many people, there are numerous bicycle accidents that occur each year resulting in particularly serious consequences.

    The state of Maryland reports that in 2016, there 16 fatal bike accidents and 676 bike accidents that resulted in cycling injuries. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides further clarification about this risk: while bicycles represent only 1 percent of travel in the United States, bicyclists face a much greater risk of serious injury than other vehicle operators.

    If you experience a cycling injury in Maryland, do not hesitate to speak with an attorney at Rice, Murtha & Psoras, who can help make sure that you obtain the compensation that you deserve.

    The Most Common Types of Cycling Injuries

    Bicyclists can experience several different types of injuries as the result of an accident involving a commercial truck, a motor vehicle, other bicyclists, or a pedestrian. Some of the most common types of cycling injuries include the following:

    Fractured collarbones

    Injuries involving a person’s clavicle or collarbone are common when a bicyclist falls from their bicycle. In many cases, when accidents occur, bicyclists place their hands in front of them to brace their fall. As a result, a bicyclist’s hands often absorb the shock created by the fall which can result in fractures of the collarbone.

    Fractured Hips

    Some bicyclists fall to one side after an accident which results in them landing on their hip. Given the significant force when bicyclists fall and considering that their hips in these situations are the first area to strike the ground, fractured hips are one of the most common types of cycling injuries.

    Traumatic Brain Injuries

    Head injuries are one of the most common damages that arise from bicycling accidents. Traumatic brain injuries can result in fatalities as well as very serious physical impairments that impact the rest of a person’s life.

    While wearing a bicycle helmet helps to decrease the significant risk of these accidents, helmets are unfortunately not capable of protecting a person against all bicycle accidents that occur.

    These are just some of the most common types of bicycle accidents. Some of the other common types of injuries include dental injuries, elbow fractures, facial injuries, jaw injuries, and leg fractures.

    Steps to Prevent Cycling Injuries

    To avoid facing cycling injuries, there are some important safety tips that a person can take to avoid the risk of being seriously injured. Some of the most important steps that a person should take when riding a bicycle include the following:

    • Do Not Exceed Your Optimal Speed. Not all bicyclists should travel at the same speed. it is critical that bicyclists avoid traveling at speeds with which they are not comfortable.
    • Use Lights at Night. Bicyclists who travel in the dark should make sure to equip their bicycle with adequate lights as well as a reflector to make sure that the bicycle is seen by nearby vehicle operators.
    • Stay Cautious. A large number of bicycle accidents occur because bicyclists are intoxicated. To avoid being involved in an accident, bicyclists should avoid operating their vehicle while distracted.
    • Wear a Helmet. Wearing a helmet helps protect against many different types of head injuries.

    Additional Common Bike Accident Injuries

    The United States Census Bureau reports that bicycling was the fastest-growing type of transportation from 2000 to 2012. Maryland is just one area that has seen a significant increase in the number of bicyclists in the area.

    While cycling is an excellent mode of transportation, eco-friendly, and a good form of exercise, bicyclists are at substantial risk of being seriously injured when accidents with other vehicles occur. While minor bicycle accident can result in riders facing small bruises and scrapes, more serious accidents can leave drivers facing very serious injuries.

    Some of the reasons for common bike accident injuries include lack of adequate safety protection as well as drivers who do not wear helmets. No matter how your accident occurs, it is a wise idea to obtain the assistance of a skilled bike accident attorney no matter how you are harmed. At Rice, Murtha & Psoras, our legal counsel has significant experience helping bicyclists who face many different types of injuries.

    The Severity of Bicycle Accidents

    The severity of bicycle accidents depends on a variety of factors which include the following factors:

    • The condition of the road where the accident occurred.
    • The speed that the bicyclist is traveling.
    • The type of impact.
    • Whether the bicyclist is wearing a helmet or any other type of protection.
    • Whether a motor vehicle was involved.

    These factors significantly influence which one of the most common types of bike accident injuries a person receives.

    The Most Common Types of Bicycle Accident Injuries

    Some of the most common bike accident injuries include the following:

    • Back Injuries. Falling from a bicycle as well as colliding with a vehicle or another object can result in a bicyclist’s back as well as shoulder being injured.
    • Broken Bones. the arms, hands, and legs of a bicyclist are much more exposed than motor vehicle passenger. As a result, when bicycle accidents occur, broken bones are very common.
    • Facial Injuries. Facial injuries are very common due to bicycle accidents including broken jaws, broken noses, chipped teeth, and eye damage.
    • Fatalities. Without adequate protection between a bicyclist and the surrounding environment, there is a significant risk that collisions will result in fatalities.
    • Head and Brain Injuries. A large number of bicycle accidents result in bicyclists facing head lacerations, fractures, and traumatic brain injuries. Even if a driver wears a helmet, there is still a significant risk that a driver will strike their head hard against the road or another surface. Bicyclists who strike their heads in an accident should not hesitate to seek medical attention even if they do not believe that they have any immediate injuries.
    • Internal Injuries. Collisions with vehicles can result in a person’s internal organs being seriously damaged. These injuries can jeopardize the life of a bicycle rider.
    • Neck Injuries. Bicycle collisions frequently result in a driver’s neck being struck which can result in numerous injuries including whiplash.
    • Spinal Cord Injuries. Because bicyclists are exposed, spinal cord injuries are very common when bicyclists land on their back, head, or neck. In these situations, vertebrae fractures and even paralysis are very common.

    Compensation in Bike Accidents

    Bicyclists who are injured in motor vehicle accidents are able to obtain compensation for several different types of damages. the first issue in determining a bicycle accident case is establishing that another party is responsible for an accident.

    To obtain adequate compensation in bike accidents, it is often a wise idea to obtain the assistance of experienced legal counsel like attorney Randolph Rice who knows how to create a strong legal strategy to make sure you obtain the compensation you deserve.

    These Maryland laws were created to restore the injured bicyclist to the state they were in prior to the accident which is why these damages are often referred to as “compensatory” in nature. This article will review some of the various types of compensatory damages that a person is able to obtain.

    Compensation Economic Damages

    Injured bicyclists are able to obtain compensation in bike accidents for economic damages, which refer to the various types of damages that a person suffers financially after an accident.

    The exact amount of economic damages that a person faces are determined by calculating bills and receipts. This category is further divided into several types of damages which include the following:

    Costs of repairs or replacement property

    If a bicyclist’s vehicle or any other type of personal property is damaged as the result of an accident, the bicyclist is often able to recover either the costs or fair market value of the property on the data that the accident occurred. A bicyclist might also be able to recover compensation for the loss of use of their personal property.

    Lost earning capacity

    A bicyclist who is seriously injured in an accident is able to obtain compensation for their inability to work and earn a living in the future. Some examples of lost earning capacity include workers who lose the ability to start a business, pursue employment opportunities, and even situations where a bicyclist loses their current job due to injuries incurred from the accident.

    Lost wages After a Bicycle Accident

    Injured bicyclists often lose time at work due to injuries caused by bicycle accidents. An injured bicyclist is able to obtain compensation for both time from work they already lost and for earnings that they will lose in the future provided that this amount is reasonably certain.

    Medical Expenses from a Bike Accident

    This category includes all medical costs that a person incurred as the result of an accident. Injured bicyclists are often able to also obtain compensation for future medical costs provide that these costs are necessary and related to the resulting injury.

    Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages include various consequences that are not capable of being directly calculated. Instead, non-economic damages include intangible losses that arise due to the accident. Some examples of non-economic damages that bicyclists are able to obtain as compensation in bike accidents include the following:

    Emotional Distress

    This category includes the emotional difficulties that a bystander who witnesses a particularly traumatic accident might have.

    Loss of Consortium

    This category includes the loss of companionship that a spouse might have as the result of a bicycle accident.

    Loss of Enjoyment of Life

    This category encompasses significant changes in a person’s life that leave them unable to participate in activities they enjoy.

    Pain and Suffering

    This category includes physical injuries that a person incurs as the result of an accident.

    Outlining the Maryland Bicycle Helmet Law

    Cycling has become increasingly popular across the United States in recent years. However, many riders are unfamiliar with the rules of the road including whether they should wear a helmet. There is evidence that the Maryland bicycle helmet law is beneficial and saves lives.

    The highways of Maryland are not for the faint-hearted bicyclist, particularly in big cities like Baltimore. Sadly, cyclists are killed and injured every month in our state. Drivers often fail to give cyclists the room they need. If you or a loved one has been involved in a cycling accident, you should contact a Maryland cycling accident lawyer.

    What is the Maryland Bicycle Helmet Law?

    In contrast to its motorcycle helmet laws, Maryland does not have a universal bicycle helmet law. However, its law is more stringent than those of many other states. While 21 states have a bicycle helmet law, a further 29 have no law, states Claims Journal.

    The Maryland bicycle helmet law requires all riders under the age of 16 to wear a helmet when they are riding on public property, according to the State Highway Administration.  The law was introduced in 1995. the law goes beyond highways to include trails and sidewalks. Some local jurisdictions have drawn up rules of their own.

    An ordinance in Sykesville makes helmets mandatory for all riders including adults. In Montgomery County, all cyclists under 18 must wear a helmet.

    Maryland has seen unsuccessful attempts to introduce laws to make helmets compulsory for all riders. Groups such as the Washington Area Bicyclist Association opposed this legislation, arguing compulsory helmet laws would make fewer people ride bikes and cycling would become less safe.

    Do Helmets Have to Meet a Standard Under the Maryland Bicycle Helmet Law?

    The Maryland Bicycle Helmet Law sets out three standards. Your helmet must comply with at last one of them. They are.

    • SNELL – Snell Memorial Foundation;
    • ANSI – American National Standards Institute;
    • ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials.

    How Effective Are Helmets in Reducing Cyclist Injuries?

    Research suggests wearing a helmet reduces your chances of sustaining a serious or a fatal brain injury in a cycling crash. Studies suggest helmets are most useful for protecting cyclists in low-impact crashes.

    As part of a recent study in the Czech Republic, scientists looked at the autopsy reports of 119 cyclists who were killed while not wearing helmets in two regions between 1995 and 2013. the research team considered whether the helmets would have helped the bicyclists survive and studied police reports from the bike crashes.

    The research indicated that helmets would have been most useful in single-vehicle crashes when cyclists fell off their bicycles or struck obstacles. About 44 cyclists (37 percent) of this study would have survived their injuries if they had been wearing helmets during the crashes. Helmets would have been less effective in high-impact crashes with cars, trucks, or trains.

    In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says cycling helmets reduce rider head injuries by 80 percent, while the League of American Bicyclists says people should “never ride without one.”

    How Many Cyclists Wear Helmets?

    According to the National Survey of Bicyclists and Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior, only three out of 10 riders said they wear a helmet at all times on their bikes. About 63 percent of the responses favored cycling helmet laws for adults as well as for children.

    How to Fit a Helmet in Line with Maryland Bicycle Helmet Law

    Failing to fit a cycling helmet properly, can undo the protection afforded by a helmet. Maryland’s State Highway Administration says you should:

    • Place a helmet on your head so it sits evenly between your ears and is low on your forehead. the helmet must be just 1-2 finger-widths above your eyebrow.
    • Place the foam pads inside your helmet. the helmets include more than one size of foam pads that can be fitted inside.
    • Tighten the chin strap so that it’s snug but not painful. Adjust straps under the ears. Secure the back strap without putting too much pressure on the front strap.
    • Be aware children are most at risk from cycling accidents. Make sure your child’s helmet is properly fitted on every ride.

    Advice on helping kids to wear their helmets is provided by Bike Maryland. Adults are encouraged to model behavior by wearing their helmets and asking their children’s friends to do the same.

    Contact an Experienced Maryland Cycling Accident Injury Lawyer

    Cyclists are more vulnerable to head injuries than any other road users. Wearing a helmet in line with the Maryland bicycle helmet law can reduce your risk of sustaining a traumatic brain injury or losing your life. However, there are no guarantees.
    If you or your child has been injured on the roads of Maryland, please call Rice, Murtha & Psoras today for a free consultation at (410) 694-7291.

    Get Legal Help from a Maryland Bicycle Accident Attorney

    Bicycles are simple, but bicycle accidents are not. It’s pretty common for witness statements to conflict. the victim’s recollection of events may well be sketchy or nonexistent. If the victim is a child, there are questions of judgment and responsibility.

    Getting an experienced Maryland bike accident attorney involved as soon as possible makes it easier to locate witnesses while their memories are still fresh, and to preserve physical evidence from the accident. it also guarantees that you won’t miss any time limits for making claims or serving notices.

    Maryland personal injury attorney G. Randolph Rice thoroughly understands all aspects of bicycle accident cases: establishing what happened, why those events entitle you to compensation, and the extent of your injuries.

    Give us a call to schedule a free consultation and we can get the recovery process started. Statutory time limits apply, so don’t delay; call now to protect your right to claim the compensation you need and deserve.

    Maryland Bike Accident Lawyer

    There are many busy streets in Maryland that contain commuting workers and tourists. There are also a large number of bicyclists on Maryland’s roads, which unfortunately results in many bike accidents each year.

    If you are a cyclist who was injured in an accident involving a motor vehicle, you are likely left to face very serious injuries. One of the reasons why injuries are often serious is that bicyclists frequently lack helmets to protect them from being harmed in accidents.

    Fortunately, an experienced bike accident lawyer at the Rice, Murtha & Psoras can help obtain the compensation you deserve. Contact attorney Rice today to discuss how he can help with your case.

    Important Laws You Should Know about Maryland Bike Accidents

    There are some very important laws that every bike rider should know about how accidents are handled in the state of Maryland which include the following:

    • At-Fault System. the state of Maryland uses an at-fault system when it comes to bicycle accidents, which means that any person who causes a bicyclist to be harmed will be found liable for the accident.
    • Helmet Laws. Any bicycle rider under the age of 16 in Maryland must wear a helmet.
    • How Bicyclists Are Viewed. Bicycles in the state of Maryland are classified as vehicles which means that bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as the drivers of motor vehicles.
    • What Bicycles Can Contain. Bicycles in the state of Maryland must be equipped with brakes that can stop the bicycle within 15 feet if the vehicle is traveling 10 mph. If a bicycle is operated in low visibility conditions, the bicycle must contain headlights that enable the light to be seen at a distance of 500 feet as well as a rear reflector that can be seen at a distance of 600 feet. Bicycles also cannot be equipped with sirens or whistles.
    • Where Bicyclists Can Travel. Bicyclists must follow some specific laws in the state of Maryland concerning where they are able to ride. Bicyclists who are riding slower than traffic must remain in the right-hand lane and as close as possible to the side of the road. Under no circumstances is a bicyclist permitted to ride in the lane where the speed limit is greater than 50 miles an hour. Bicyclists are also prohibited from traveling on expressways or highways unless they are permitted to do so by the State Highway Administration. Bicyclists are able to move to the left lane when making a left-hand turn, passing a slowed or stopped vehicle, and when maneuvering around road hazards. When a bike lane is not available, bicyclists are permitted to travel on the shoulder of the road.

    bicycles accidents in marylandHow to Handle a Bike Accident With a Car

    Are accidents with bicycles and cars dangerous?

    Well, according to the CDC, in 2015 over 1,000 bicyclists died and almost 467,000 bicycle-related injuries occurred in the United States alone. the trend for accidents is increasing as more people use bicycles as an alternate form of transportation.

    Bicyclists accounted for 2.2 percent of all traffic deaths in 2016. Bicyclist deaths occurred most often between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. (20%) and in urban areas (71%). (from the National Highway Safety Administration)

    Who is at Fault if a Car and Bicycle are in an accident?

    A bicycle and a car are both considered vehicles bound by the rules and laws of the road. Both cyclists and drivers need to obey them. the standard that will be applied is negligence: Whichever party failed to operate their vehicle in a reasonable manner will be held liable.

    However, if both parties are negligent then neither party may be able to hold the other at-fault in  Maryland since it is a contributory negligence state. That means if both parties are partially at fault neither can recover.

    Which party is usually responsible for accidents involving bicycles and cars?

    It’s hard to say. Most studies are mixed as to whether cars or bicyclists are most often at fault. Generally, because a car is larger than a bicycle and more likely to do rather sustain damages, more claims are brought by bicycle riders against car drivers than the other way around. There are some indications though when an accident occurs it is most likely to occur in an intersection and in the evening.

    What Should happen when there is a bike accident with a car?

    It should be handled the same way as an accident between two vehicles. Both parties should first check on their physical well-being and in the case of injury, immediately seek medical attention, Cars and bikes should be inspected for damages. Information should be exchanged between the parties and if police are involved, cooperate with providing information.

    Can a Bicyclist file a claim with their own car insurance for damages?

    Probably not. Damage to your bicycle should be covered under your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. Your own health insurance should cover medical bills that are incurred. If the driver is at fault in the accident, then the bicyclist can make a claim under the driver’s insurance policy.

    Can a Driver file a claim with their own insurance for damages after an accident?

    Yes. A Driver’s insurance policy will cover damages arising out of an accident with any vehicles. This would include bicyclists While it does not seem that an accident with a bike could do many injuries to a car, it is possible a car might swerve at the last second to avoid an accident stopped suddenly to get hit from behind as well as other occurrences where a cyclist could induce injury to car and driver.

    Can a Driver submit a claim under the insurance policy of the bike rider?

    Usually, you should be able to submit a claim for injuries and damages caused by a bicyclist through their homeowner’s or renter’s policy. This would include medical bills, pain and suffering, etc., make a claim up to the policy limit. They cannot submit claims under the bike rider’s automotive policy.

    How is the amount of damages determined when there is a claim made in an accident between a car and bike rider?

    Damages are based on two basic categories:

    • Compensatory damages, and
    • General damages.

    Compensatory damages mean you want to be repaid for the things you lost because of the accident This is also called “ special” damages since they are unique in every situation as to the actual amount. Bills, reports, estimates, wage stubs, tax returns, and other information would all be used to determine how much they should be:

    • loss of earnings
    • loss of future earnings
    • medical bills
    • cost of future medical care
    • household expenses, and
    • costs associated with canceled trips or altered plans
    • property damages or loss

    General or compensatory damages are for losses that don’t come with a cost you can easily show through paperwork or objective information. They are called general damages because all individuals in an accident usually will be able to claim them. the most common types of general damages are:

    • pain and suffering
    • mental anguish, and
    • loss of consortium or companionship (this means the loss of intimate relations while someone is recovering from an injury).

    The severity of the accident between car and bicycle will determine how much could be recovered. Consult with an attorney if you are an accident to explore what your recovery could be.

    What are the traffic penalties for being in an accident with a bicyclist if I’m driving a car?

    After passing a bicycle rider you must make sure you are completely clear of the bicyclist before making any turns. the bike has the right of way, and you must yield to a bike when you are turning.

    Failing to yield right of way to a bicyclist, resulting in a crash in which the bicyclist is seriously injured can result in a $1,000 fine and three points on your driving record.

    Generally, car or other automotive drivers shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any bicycle, EPAMD,(this is an Electronic Personal Assistive Mobility Devices, like a motorized wheelchair,  rascal, etc.) or motor scooter being ridden by a person and the driver of a vehicle must not pass any closer than three (3) feet to a bicycle or motor scooter if the bicycle is operated in a lawful manner.  (Source Maryland State Highway Administration)

    Should a Bike rider or Bicyclist ride with or against traffic to be safe?

    A bicycle should travel in the same direction as traffic and not against it to be safe. Riding a bike in the opposite direction of traffic is illegal in Maryland and is likely to cause confusion for a car driver who will be encountering a vehicle where they don’t expect it to see it.

    What about an accident involving two bicyclists? is this covered under insurance?

    Yes, it is covered under each party’s homeowner’s or renter’s policies, since a bicycle is considered personal property. Each party can recover to the policy limits. Liability will be determined by the rules and law applying to negligence between the parties.

    What if a cyclist does not have Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance? Could there be coverage under their Auto Insurance?

    The cyclist will only have coverage under the personal injury protection of their policy if the accident involves an automotive vehicle. If it is another bicycle or any non-motorized vehicle they will not be able to recover under their automotive insurance policy.

    What other Laws could affect liability for Cyclists?

    • A bicyclist can’t cut off another biker rider or car driver in passing or making a turn.
    • If a cyclist fails to wear a helmet it may not make them directly negligent in an accident but could affect their ability to claim damages if there is claimed head injury. it is also illegal to ride a bike in Maryland without a helmet.
    • If a cyclist is on the road in the evening or at night when it is dark or visibility is affected, there are expected to have a bike lamp. it is an offense subject to ticketing. Failure to have and use a bike lamp could again affect a negligence claim by or against a vehicle driver.

    Can a Bicyclist be criminally charged while riding a bike for being intoxicated?

    Yes. Maryland DUI and DWI laws apply to anyone operating a vehicle, not just cars and trucks. Since bicycles are considered vehicles, anyone intoxicated while using them could face criminal and civil penalties.

    There are the same levels of intoxication and penalties that would apply as if an actual motor vehicle was driven while under the influence. This would also affect the ability to recover damages in the case of an accident between a car and a bike if the intoxication is shown to be a contributing factor to the accident.

    Can I sue if I am in an accident between a car and a bike?

    Yes, but consider consulting with an attorney first before proceeding. In some ways, a lawsuit between a bicyclist and a car is no different than an accident case between two automotive vehicles.

    However, in other ways, it is very different. There may be different rules of the road that apply as well as different legal standards for the operation of a car and a bicycle. As noted earlier, there may be insurance other than automotive involved.

    If the cyclist is at fault but does not have homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, there may not be any insurance available. While automotive insurance is mandatory if you are driving, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance is not required.

    Issues like jurisdiction, suing the proper party, establishing liability, and the amount of damages always must be established and proven to win a case. You can contact our Baltimore car accident lawyers to learn more.

    Our Maryland Bike Accident Injury Attorneys Can Help

    If you were involved in a bike accident that occurred in Maryland or the surrounding area, you are likely confused about how to proceed and have questions about whether you are entitled to compensation or any available legal remedies.

    The lack of protection and safety features on bicycles that are found in motor vehicles means that bicyclists are often seriously injured and sometimes even killed when collisions with other vehicles occur.

    A bike accident attorney at Rice, Murtha & Psoras can analyze your case to determine your best option to receive adequate compensation. A large number of bike accidents are caused by the negligence of pedestrians and motor vehicle operators and our law office knows what steps to take to hold these parties accountable.  Contact our law office today to determine if you are able to obtain compensation for your bike accident.