Many injuries, though initially debilitating, are possible to heal and repair. This is not true for amputation injuries, which cause permanent and irreversible damage to a major body part. Amputation accidents are especially devastating for workers, who not only face costly medical bills due to their injuries, but also lose substantial earnings. If you have found yourself facing this sort of situation in Baltimore, legal help is available to you.
If you lost an arm, hand, leg, foot, finger, or toe in an accident in Baltimore, you could have a right to workers’ compensation benefits. You may also have the ability to file a personal injury lawsuit, depending on the circumstances of your accident. Review your legal options carefully with an experienced Baltimore limb loss lawyer for amputation injury victims, including workers who were injured in workplace accidents. For a free legal consultation about a Baltimore amputation injury, call Rice Law online, or call (410) 694-7291 for 24-hour assistance.
Common Causes of Traumatic Amputation Injuries
Some amputations are medically necessary and are planned as part of a patient’s treatment. However, when an amputation happens accidentally, it is called a “traumatic” amputation. Traumatic amputation injuries can be caused by many different types of accidents, from serious automotive accidents to job-related accidents involving heavy machinery.
No matter what type of accident caused your traumatic amputation injury, we may be able to help you file a claim if your injuries were job-related or were caused by negligence. Types of traumatic amputation accident claims that our office can assist you with include, but are not limited to:
- Accidents caused by defective products
- Accidents caused by dangerous property hazards
- Accidents involving firearms or fireworks
- Bicycle accidents
- Bus accidents
- Car accidents or car door accidents
- Construction site accidents
- Elevator and escalator accidents
- Explosions or collapses
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Subway, trolley, and train accidents
- Workplace accidents
Health Risks and Complications of Limb Loss and Amputation Injury
The immediate danger with any traumatic amputation injury is excessive blood loss from the severed area. However, even once a doctor has gotten the bleeding under control, there are still dangers and challenges ahead for the patient.
Depending on how extensive the injuries were, the patient may need to rest and recuperate for several months or longer. They may need physical therapy or other types of rehabilitation to help them adjust. the patient will likely need a prosthetic limb, which can be costly to finance and will require eventual replacement.
In addition to facing these challenges, the patient also faces various health risks and complications, which may include:
- Anxiety and depression related to the injury
- Blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Infections
- Muscle shortening
- Pain and distress caused by phantom limbs
How Much Compensation Can You Get for Losing a Hand, Foot, Arm, or Leg in an Accident in Baltimore?
There is no single answer to this question. it depends on factors that include, but are not limited to:
- The degree of pain and suffering you have experienced as a result of your injuries
- The injury’s impacts on your wages and earnings
- The medical bills you have received, or the procedures, treatments, therapies, medications, or devices that you are expected to need (such as prosthetic limbs)
- Whether you receive workers’ compensation benefits and/or file an accident lawsuit
For example, if you receive workman’s compensation benefits for a workplace amputation accident, it may limit your ability to sue your employer for negligence. However, you could still have a case against third parties, such as contractors, retailers, or manufacturers. In order to preserve your options, make sure you discuss your situation with a Baltimore limb loss accident lawyer, like Randolph Rice.
When Can You File a Lawsuit for an Amputation Accident in Baltimore?
The Maryland personal injury statute of limitations is three years from the date of injury, which means that, with some exceptions, you generally have a period of up to three years to file a claim after an amputation accident. If you wait until the three-year period ends, you will not be permitted to file your claim, and you will lose your ability to pursue injury compensation. Note that different rules apply to workers’ compensation claims, which are separate from personal injury lawsuits. Our office handles both types of claims, ensuring that you receive comprehensive and trustworthy legal guidance.
Our Baltimore Limb Loss + Amputation Lawyer Can File Your Injury Claim
If you or your spouse lost a limb, finger, or toe in an accident in Baltimore, you may have a personal injury claim or workers’ compensation claim. it may be possible for you to get compensated for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages related to your accident. To find out whether you could have a case in a free legal consultation, contact Rice Law online, or call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at (410) 694-7291.