
Baltimore Lime Bike Injury Lawyer

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    LimeBike rents bike share bicycles throughout Baltimore.  These bikes can either be traditional bicycles or electric-assist Lime-E bikes.  Alongside its rental scooter program, Lime’s bike rentals are helping people get around Baltimore in an environmentally friendly way.  However, drivers and others on the road may not be prepared to safely drive alongside so many cyclists, and bike-share riders are often at risk for serious injuries in bicycle accidents.

    If you were injured while riding a LimeBike in Baltimore, contact Rice Law today.  Our Baltimore LimeBike accident attorneys represent victims of accidents and other bicycle injuries in Baltimore, and we work to get them the compensation they need for serious medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.  For help with your case, call our law offices today at (410) 694-7291.

    Whom to Sue for an Accident on a LimeBike

    If you were injured while riding on a LimeBike, you may expect that you can sue Lime for your injuries.  Unfortunately, Lime’s rider agreement works hard to keep Lime from sharing any liability for your accident and exempts them from liability for injuries, even those brought about by unsafe bikes or equipment malfunctions.

    However, if you are hit by a car or truck while riding on a LimeBike, you may be entitled to sue the driver for the injuries you faced.  Our attorney can help you investigate what parties to hold responsible and file lawsuits against them to help you get the compensation you need.

    Proving Fault in a LimeBike Accident

    If you are injured in an accident on a LimeBike, you must prove that the driver who hit you was responsible for your injuries before you can receive compensation for the harm you suffered.  In many bike accidents, the other vehicle is responsible for causing the accident.  Many traffic laws help victims prove that the other driver was at fault and can be essential to proving your injury case.

    Drivers of cars and trucks are responsible for ensuring that they drive safely, follow traffic laws, and avoid causing accidents with pedestrians, bikes, or other vehicles on the road.  When a car hits a pedestrian or a cyclist, the driver is not automatically at fault because they have a bigger, more dangerous vehicle.  However, many traffic laws still work to protect cyclists.

    Drivers must treat bikes as they would any other vehicle on the road.  This means that they must signal when making lane changes or turns to alert other drivers and cyclists.  If they fail to do so and it causes an accident, they should be held responsible for the injuries you faced.  it is especially common for cars to hit bikes by neglecting to consider cyclists on their right when they make a right turn across without checking for bikes or signaling.

    Cars must also share the lane with a bike if there is no bike lane or if the bike lane is obstructed.  Parked and stopped cars and trucks often occupy bike lanes or the right shoulder of the roadway, making it impossible for bikes to ride there.  If a car tries to force a cyclist off the road, fails to give them enough room when passing, or does not let the cyclist take their lane, they could be responsible for any injuries or accidents this causes.

    Drivers should also give cyclists their turn at stop signs and intersections.  If it is your turn to enter the intersection, but a car skips you and runs you down instead of yielding like they were supposed to, they should be found at fault for your injuries.

    You can also demonstrate the driver’s fault in a bike accident by pointing to other errors and traffic violations, such as speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving.  However, it is vital to work with an attorney to prove your case.  the other driver might attempt to rebut your claim by arguing that you were at fault or that you somehow contributed to the crash.  Our attorneys can help protect your claim and work to win your case.

    Claiming Compensation for Bike Accidents on a Lime Rental Bike

    To seek compensation for your injuries and medical expenses, you may have multiple options.  the driver who hit you is required by law to carry car insurance.

    This insurance may be able to cover your injuries and expenses, but you should talk to an attorney before accepting any money.  In many cases, insurance payouts are too low to fully cover your needs because they do not cover 100% of the damages you face for medical bills and lost wages.

    Insurance will not cover pain and suffering damages, either, and you could miss out on substantial compensation if you miss these damages.

    Instead, you may want to file your claim in court.  When you sue for injuries, you can claim any damages stemming from the other driver’s negligence.  This can include the full cost of any medical expenses you faced now as well as the future medical bills you will face because of your injuries.

    These damages can also cover any past, present, or future lost wages you suffered because of your injuries or limitations caused by the accident.  This can also include direct compensation to cover the pain, mental anguish, and emotional distress of the accident.

    Call Our Baltimore Lime Bike Rental Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation

    If you suffered serious injuries in an accident while riding a LimeBike in Baltimore, call our law offices today.  Rice Law ’s Baltimore LimeBike injury attorneys may be able to help you with your case by investigating whom to sue, helping you understand what your case is worth, protecting your claim, and representing you in court.  For a free, confidential legal consultation on your case, call our law offices today at (410) 694-7291.